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Fix a FirefoxOS bug, get a free APC (apc.io)
83 points by juandopazo on Sept 27, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

A lot of these seem like bugs/features related to APC working with FirefoxOS, so you might need an APC just to know you've solved the issue.

"Buy an APC, Fix Bugs in OS, Your second APC is free"

Here's the list of Free APC issues: https://github.com/apc-io/apc-firefox-os/issues?labels=Free+...

Some of these might qualify as features rather than 'Bugs'. E.g. Make video acceleration work in hardware[1]

[1] https://github.com/apc-io/apc-firefox-os/issues/5

That was my thought as well after seeing the list of Free APC bugs. I can see why they'd want to limit the number of bugs that you can get free hardware for (to avoid trivial pull requests like fixing spelling mistakes etc.), but there should be a few bugs between the low hanging fruit and the ones you need the actual hardware for.

These look nice, but what makes them any better than a Raspberry PI?

I'm probably missing something, but it looks like it has the same inputs/outputs as a PI, but with only 720p output (as opposed to the 1920x1080 of a PI). The form factor looks to be larger and the PCB looks a lot more complicated. And it's $30 more expensive?

Looks like:

Arm A9 4GB of onboard flash Audio In VGA

Hurray, for $300 in labor you get a free $60 computer!

Looking at these bugs, $300 is a gross underestimate.

But realistically, you probably aren't doing this for the reward and you likely already have an APC to care enough to do the dev work anyway.

What on Earth would I do with an armored personnel carrier?

APC is also a type of colon cancer [1]. So fix a bug, get a free armored personnel carrier sounds a whole lot better than fix a bug, get free ass cancer.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenomatous_polyposis_coli

I was expecting a power strip: http://www.apc.com/

For a moment, I was wondering what Firefox OS had to do with uninterruptible power supplies...

Or the Alternative APC PHP Cache?


Drive around Chicago's South Side.

What on Earth WOULDN'T you do with an armored personnel carrier?

Boating. Unless it's an amphibious model.

Even after reading the whole site I still can't work out what APC is and every time I read it in their copy I'm thinking of exactly this.

I was thinking denim.


Is anyone else getting an `Error 404 - Not Found`?

Yes, me as well.


The bug list [1] doesn't look that tough. Seems like a great way to grab more contributors.

[1] https://github.com/apc-io/apc-firefox-os/issues?labels=Free+...

>APC Paper, APC Rock, APC 8750

These guys have a broken naming scheme.

How do their devices compare to the $45 BeagleBone Black?

Hell, how do they compare to a $35 RaspberryPi? Not very favorably, in my opinion.

They both have the same amount of RAM, and pretty similar CPUs, but at least the Pi can output video at 1080p. The APC maxes out at 720p.

Also, for a computer supposedly built with "awareness that the purpose of a computer is to connect to the Internet", I find the lack of built-in WiFi surprising.

I bought a couple of the original APC 8750s when they came out. "Meh." Fiddled with one, the other is still in the original box. My RPi units get a lot more use.

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