I personally can't stand smoke detectors and would love for someone to improve on them.
My house has very high ceilings, so dealing with any issue with the detectors is a pain. I change the batteries yearly (even though all my detectors are connected to power) mostly for safety but also since I can never find which alarm is beeping. Mine beep once every 5 minutes if the battery is low, twice every 5 minutes for some other issue and blink a red LED is something else is up. They might blink green if everything is OK, or if it's tuesday I don't really know, I just know they are terrible and non-sensible. It's almost like they want me to turn them off. (Have I mentioned they make me angry) So if it ever gets to the point where one has a low battery I spend forever moving from room to room waiting for a beep. Also since the beep is so short it's hard to even tell if I'm in the correct room when I hear it.
Additionally one night an alarm went off in the middle of the night that we had never heard before. I had no idea if it was a smoke detector or not. A simple interface where I could get status would have been great then. Another night (why is it always the middle of the night?) we heard beeping from an alarm, so I went to the garage, got the ladder and climbed up to the alarm only to find out it was the CO2 detector near the floor that was beeping. I can't say it enough, an interface with words to describe the system as opposed to beeps is all I need to be very happy. I'd pay for that.
Give me smoke detectors that report status to a system so I can see which have low batteries and which alarm recently triggered (which they can do for reasons other than smoke). Heck even let me disable the kitchen detector for a set timeout when I'm frying something. Please do this.
My house has very high ceilings, so dealing with any issue with the detectors is a pain. I change the batteries yearly (even though all my detectors are connected to power) mostly for safety but also since I can never find which alarm is beeping. Mine beep once every 5 minutes if the battery is low, twice every 5 minutes for some other issue and blink a red LED is something else is up. They might blink green if everything is OK, or if it's tuesday I don't really know, I just know they are terrible and non-sensible. It's almost like they want me to turn them off. (Have I mentioned they make me angry) So if it ever gets to the point where one has a low battery I spend forever moving from room to room waiting for a beep. Also since the beep is so short it's hard to even tell if I'm in the correct room when I hear it.
Additionally one night an alarm went off in the middle of the night that we had never heard before. I had no idea if it was a smoke detector or not. A simple interface where I could get status would have been great then. Another night (why is it always the middle of the night?) we heard beeping from an alarm, so I went to the garage, got the ladder and climbed up to the alarm only to find out it was the CO2 detector near the floor that was beeping. I can't say it enough, an interface with words to describe the system as opposed to beeps is all I need to be very happy. I'd pay for that.
Give me smoke detectors that report status to a system so I can see which have low batteries and which alarm recently triggered (which they can do for reasons other than smoke). Heck even let me disable the kitchen detector for a set timeout when I'm frying something. Please do this.