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On the flip side, I've been burnt by Open software vendors who have decided that their commercial needs mean discontinuing support and funding for their own projects. The Insight frontend for gdb, for example, was fantastic, but has languished since RedHat bought out Cygnus. I can also point to the support policies of many Open operating systems -- I can still get support, patches, and bugfixes for Windows Vista, which was released in 2007, but can no longer get support, patches, and bugfixes for any Linux distribution released in a similar timeframe. While I can see more and more of the market moving towards Open solutions, I can only see FSF-created solutions dragging us down.

It is pretty disingenuous of you to claim that you can't get support, patches or bug fixes for any Linux distro from 2007. You can easily get those things. Just not for free. Just pay from the money you saved by not buying Windows Vista, and attribute some of this to the cost of not upgrading your operating system for six years.

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