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Bing recently garnered lots of press with its release. That lead to lots of people looking at it and a sharp jump in viewers. It'll fade.

I de-Googled my browser at work for the sake of trying out Bing and so far I've only needed to use Google once.

Overall I'm very happy with everything except a few search annoyances. Bing Image search vs. Google Images is no comparison, the Wikipedia "enhanced view" is simple but great, Live maps > Google Maps with the birds-eye view, so pretty much all my regular usage has been slightly improved by Bing.

That's a win and I'll probably stick with it for now. Right now I'm using Google just for comparison sake to see if Bing is "on track" with searches.

I think a lot of people are to the point where they are willing to give "Google competitors" a test drive, and most of them fail instantly (Cuil, etc.). Bing hasn't done that, so we're all pretty surprised.

I'm doing the same. For search results, Bing works. I prefer Google's prominent ranking of Wikipedia, but I've been able to find what I need on Bing in all but one case.

However, before this week, I was completely unaware of how frequently I use Google for non-search queries. Things like "-40 F in C" or searching for "Place X to Place Y" and clicking on "Maps" to get directions. Bing doesn't even come close to matching my expectations / muscle memory in those cases.

I am doing the same too. Bing is a perfectly good search engine for most things. I do need to go back to google to loner search terms, but for almost everything else Bing does a good job.

One thing to note though, I have not found any of the Bing features such as caterorization etc of any use.

I heard that they have allocated $100M for marketing Bing. A lot more coverage might be yet to come.

Cuil who?

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