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Same programs, same computer:

  ~$ time python t.py
  real	0m0.350s
  user	0m0.304s
  sys	0m0.024s
  ~$ time lua t.lua

  real	0m0.255s
  user	0m0.248s
  sys	0m0.004s
  ~$ time luajit t.lua

  real	0m0.157s
  user	0m0.144s
  sys	0m0.012s

Which versions of lua and python? Because when I ran the programs python was faster than lua.

Python 2.7.3, Lua 5.1.5, LuaJIT 2.0.2 on Linux 3.2.0, Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS on a 2.53GHz i3 (64bit)

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