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I think this is important, but abstract arguments aren't really going to fly with grandma. Tell them that atheist Obama is reading her church emails. That'll get them fired up. Or if your grandma voted for Obama, tell her that can you imagine if Dick Cheney were reading your DNC emails?

You have to make political issues personal. Personify them. That's why "welfare queen" was such a smashing success. Privacy advocates have to figure out how to put a face on NSA spying.

"Personify them" seems to mean "lie to Grandma in order to secure additional votes for your cause." The end justifies the means, clearly.

No need to lie to grandma. Obama clearly holds views antagonistic towards the deeply religious ("clinging to guns and religion.") There's nothing wrong with using that against him.

In other words, lie to them?

What if your grandma is an atheist?

You can trust FDR with this, but what happens in twenty years when Nixon gets it?

(Or something similarly hyper-political and specific. I'm sure the comments below can come up with something witty and visceral.)

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