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(This is not a flame or anything just my subjective impression. I know the people who built this (well 2 of them) personally. So forgive me guys)

I was asking a few times how things were going and that I could need something that sounds like what they were building -- granted on a very informal level but still I asked and expressed my interested.

Problem was: They never came back to me and told me: Hey here's the stuff! Wanna try?

I can make up reasons why, maybe because I moved to another country to take a job, or after all they don't like me or whatever. To me it boils down to: I (as in "the potential customer") was asking how far the product was and never got a real answer.

My team has about 2000 Boxes to "operate"[1] and I manage only a single team. Totaling to about 100K servers with different DCs spread over the world.

I'd think anybody who gets this kind of offer should try to get a foot in the door. Even if the deal doesn't close people have heard about the stuff.

So the essence is to me: This one little slide where you see that sales/marketing was way under represented in the team. Hell guys I know! you can build stuff, but don't expect me (the customer) to keep asking and asking and asking for wether or not it suits you to send me something I can work with...

[1]: I currently live in an enterprise environment where DevOps or agile is still something new and not to be trusted!

Author here - thanks for the comment (and please don't worry about sharing stories, its true after all!)

This was a big problem/mistake we made back then (and which isn't obvious from the slides) - we just didn't let people try the product, since we didn't want to be a hosting company ourselves.

We did show demos to people and did pilots in a few cases, but it would have benefited us a lot to have a public installation where people could have tried out the product.

I'm sorry we didn't get to work together then - there was certainly a lot of interest that we managed (and filtered through) poorly.

Luckily I've learned from that (I hope!) :)

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