I am an adequate C programmer, and with some care, I can turn out code that seems to be reliable. I am not an C++ expert, but at one time I did want to obtain mastery over it as well. I ran into problems.
There was some recent discussion about the "Edward C++ Hands" article. [1] And that discussion summarizes neatly the issues I have with C++. Yes, I get that it is a powerful multi-paradigm language. Yes, I get that it will take time to master.
But should this language (or any language; I'm looking at you Javascript) have so many hotly-debated dark corners and pitfalls? It is an enormous undertaking to just figure out what the best practices are. And it is then a further enormous undertaking to get the rest of your team on-board.
There was some recent discussion about the "Edward C++ Hands" article. [1] And that discussion summarizes neatly the issues I have with C++. Yes, I get that it is a powerful multi-paradigm language. Yes, I get that it will take time to master.
But should this language (or any language; I'm looking at you Javascript) have so many hotly-debated dark corners and pitfalls? It is an enormous undertaking to just figure out what the best practices are. And it is then a further enormous undertaking to get the rest of your team on-board.
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6414162