Given the most core of the criticisms of hipsterism are its judgementalism and superiority complex, your argument seems to be tantamount to decrying the bullying of bullies, or the lack of tolerance for the intolerant.
Is that really the core criticism of hipsterdom? I hear much more often the appropriation of poor/outsider chic and concordance devaluation of intrinsic meaning. Consider the kiffeyeh (plaid arabesque scarf) worn originally to signal solidarity with Palestinians. Now the overriding significance of it, when you see it worn (it's a little dated now) is that of an empty fashion trend.
Another common critique I hear is the mindless pursuit of "authenticity", an aping of anything whose style is "old" -- the automatic assumption that old is authentic, and authentic is better. These are, in my mind, two core branches of an otherwise very difficult to define notion.
> "Is that really the core criticism of hipsterdom?"
How would a hipster caricature respond to the kiffeyeh becoming an empty fashion trend?
"I wore it before it was cool"
i.e. I was better/smarter/above simple fashion herding.
So, yeah. I think that's the over-riding common thread linking the various branches and spectra of hipsterdom and the one thing that's almost universally criticized wherever hipsters are being discussed.
The core criticism is always that hipsters are purposefully contrary as a method of attention seeking.
Also, being judgemental and having a superiority complex are very different to bullying. Thinking you are better than someone is very different to telling them they are worse than you.