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Alarmist title - you can't execute code undetected, as you would think from the title, you can alter the manufacturing process to poison the random number generator. The alteration is not detectable using current testing procedures.

It's not any big deal, people already are treating the RDRAND instruction as poisoned.

Before: it's no big deal, how likely is is that someone could compromise RDRAND without anyone noticing After: what's the big fuss, everyone who counts already treats RDRAND as compromised

Why does this always happen with stories like this one?

Possibly because almost every single post like this brings out the same apologists. The same apologists get voted sky high.

The proper question is how do the same apologists get voted to the moon and posts such as this get deleted?

We already know of corporate astroturfing. Could that be happening on HN? Nah, unpossible.

Are you suggesting NSAstroturfing?

The government has engaged in that sort of thing before. http://rezn8d.net/2012/10/19/us-defense-contractors-sock-pup...

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