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Which law does it violate?

I mean, I think Gitmo is monstrously unjust. But there are lots of injustices that are perfectly legal. I also think how the US treats its many many prisoners is monstrously unjust.

Which law(s) does it violate?

United Nations Convention Against Torture (torture itself, and rendition - refoulement)

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Geneva convention

US Constitution - which is apparently now only applicable at the government's discretion

I'm afraid I don't subscribe to the sophistry which claims those detained are 'enemy combatants' to which no law applies simply because of a suspicion without charges or evidence, or that waterboarding is not torture. More important than the arguable illegality or (at best) extra-legality of the camp though, is the enduring damage it does to the reputation of the US throughout the world.

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