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"Let's see where Microsoft is vs where Apple is in 3 years. Apple has 0 innovation going on. OS X and IOS are stale as anything. They are riding on earlier success and eventually will fizzle out."


bump. Again not a fanboy, just stating the blatant obvious. At least Microsoft tries and puts out something completely new.

Yes! All OS vendors should try new stuff, all the time, even if it's really awful!

That's not really fair. Some would say some fanboys think no matter what other companies do it is right away awful. MS did try the flat look.. looks like at least that caught on a little.

Why would you think we want something completely new?

I don't know who you mean by "we", but generally users expect something new with a new OS, new hardware, or basically anything with the word "new" in front of it. Apple didn't announce IOS 7 by calling it the next IOS, they called it the new IOS.

There's plenty new. Completely new would be a large step backwards... see Unity, Windows 8.

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