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- Weather app: Some fonts are smaller, some are larger, but you get a great looking animation that shows the current weather. In my opinion the app is much prettier than before, and more useful since you can see, for example, whether you need to bring a raincoat immediately.

- Clock: Try tapping on the clocks: http://d.pr/i/yrmI

- About less contrast: You can turn on bolder fonts in the interface.

I really, really like iOS 7. Especially on the iPhone, somehow on iPad I had more of a meh reaction, and I installed it there first. But going back to my iPhone with iOS 6 made me realize how dated that OS looks and feels.

Forgetting the looks, all the little new features and improvements are great, like all the new Safari stuff, command center and the improved app switcher. Apple says there are 200 new features and I definitely believe them.

> But going back to my iPhone with iOS 6 made me realize how dated that OS looks and feels.

Isn't this simply emotion - based upon you already knowing that iOS 7 is newer?

If you showed iOS 6 and 7 to someone who had never seen an iPhone before, how would they figure out which was the newer design?

Design doesn't exist in a vacuum, if you showed iOS6 and iOS7 to someone who had never seen it before, they would surmise age by comparing to other designs they have seen.

In the same way you would see something that you've never seen before and go "that's so 80s".

Considering that Apple didn't originate the flat trend, and that the web has been going flat (or flatter) for a while now, I don't think it would take a genius to figure out which is which.

I'm not sure the web is embracing flat, it's more like designers get bored and feel the urge to do something. They have to justify their paycheck and raison d'etre.

It's like the fashion industry, what is out of fashion comes back in because somebody says so and the catwalk is then flooded with retro fashion.

Oh yay, this again.

People use this tired old argument on us too - "what? Why is IT building the website again? Don't we already have one? Welp, guess they have to justify their paychecks somehow...", it's tiresome, reductionist, grossly ignorant, and textbook HN: everyone is useless except me.

Fashion isn't a simple cause and effect - it isn't designers dictating taste to an unwilling public. The influence is circular - design influences public aesthetic influences more design. The fashion industry steals plenty of ideas right off the streets, it's far, far from a one-way relationship. "Fashion" is just an endless cycle of the public influencing products and vice versa. Sometimes it will retread familiar territory, other times it'll do something new.

And thank god we have it. I for one am glad we're rid of animated GIFs and fluorescent green text, or do you think that evolution is also bored designers justifying their paychecks?

But nah, none of the above can be true, everyone's a useless parasite except the vaunted Hackers, hallowed be their names!

For me it's the removal of textures like wood and leather. And the fact that almost all the icons are more futuristic rather than illustrations of real life objects, see Game Center, Photos, Reminders.

I agree, the humanist touches and concordantly superior identifiability in the one OS clearly identify it as the modern iteration compared with the cold, chilly 70s-style pseudo-futurism of the other.

Well, that's very good to hear. Looking forward to the official release.

Reading about the bolder fonts is a huge relief. That was my #1 complaint about the earlier screenshots.

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