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Apple marketing sounds so hi-tech, so unique, yet China is selling RF fingerprint readers by the truck load.

They're so cheap to manufacture that you can sell them for $1 and still make a profit.



Apple marketing sounds so hi-tech, so unique

That's exactly the point. It doesn't matter whether it's really hi-tech or unique or not. It's Apple's ability to present these things in a way which just makes you salivate that matters. This is a point which seems so hard for tech people to understand... it doesn't matter if you think people should see through Apple's claims, the spoils go to Apple because they know, as seemingly no other company on earth does, how to entrance people. A few key features, lavish, presentation, a feeling of luxury... that's what builds anticipation and excitement. Apple's closest equivalent are food companies, who have mastered the dramatic, salivatory description of products.

> Apple's closest equivalent are food companies, who have mastered the dramatic, salivatory description of products.

This ad campaign illustrates the point.


How does that even begin to matter even a little a bit?

The only thing that is relevant is whether it works. Everything else is irrelevant.

You're diverting. The point was the idea that the fingerprint sensor was merely taking a photo of a fingerprint, which was incorrect.

You have changed the subject. We're talking about effectiveness, not cost to implement.

So RF readers are inexpensive, does it make fingerprint scanner easier to defeat?

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