I personally think that in someways facebook is over hyped, especially regarding the apps which are largely superflous however I use internal facebook messaging more than I use email now.
So perhaps until almost everyone you know has a regularly used facebook account, it will be hard for people to fully appreciate the value of it.
Interesting anecdotal evidence: A lot of people leave Myspace and Bebo to join Facebook. I've never heard the opposite of this happening.
I'm not sure about that. Picture some widely-used public school management package written to be used over the Facebook API. Suddenly, every new student [high school students, remember, not college] has to get Facebook, as part of the enrollment process. Then, since all the friends they make at school already "use" the service, they start really using it.
So perhaps until almost everyone you know has a regularly used facebook account, it will be hard for people to fully appreciate the value of it.
Interesting anecdotal evidence: A lot of people leave Myspace and Bebo to join Facebook. I've never heard the opposite of this happening.