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Interfaces with multiple dispatch would basically be Haskell typeclasses.

Typeclasses have a lot of tricky corner cases in defining their semantics, they're hard to type-inference (Haskell's type system is undecidable in some cases), and they lead to a lot of confusion for new programmers trying to learn the language. MPTCs were deliberately not standardized in Haskell 2010, because the design space around them hasn't been fully explored, and SPJ's feeling was that Associated Types might be a better solution for the problems involved.

Go's designers have decided to focus on pragmatism over power (wisely, IMHO - I quibble with a lot of the other aspects of Go's language design, but not this one), and the result is that they get about 85% of the power of multimethods/typeclasses with about 10% of the headaches.

> Interfaces with multiple dispatch would basically be Haskell typeclasses.

Typeclasses are completely different from Go interfaces in a way that's totally unrelated to single versus multiple dispatch: in Haskell they're a bound on generic functions that specifies permissible operations, while Go interfaces are existential wrapped values. To give a concrete example of the difference here, you can write a function that takes a List of Eq values and pass a list of integers to it in Haskell, but in Go you cannot pass []int to a function that takes []Equal without recreating the list. On the other hand, in Go you can have a heterogeneous array of Equal interfaces, while in Haskell this is not possible without existential types.

> they're hard to type-inference (Haskell's type system is undecidable in some cases)

This is only when you combine the feature with type inference for functions (which Go doesn't have) and H-M style inference (which Go also doesn't have). Typeclasses would pose no problems for Go's extremely limited inference.

Pitting typeclasses against interfaces makes little sense to me; typeclasses are an enhancement to generics, while interfaces are about runtime polymorphism. Typeclasses have no meaning in a language without generics like Go (although I personally think Go will need generics eventually).

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