People give MSSQL shit for having row-level locks (if you don't use their MVCC option)
Just to clarify, are you talking about MSSQL's tendency to escalate locks (e.g. from row to page to extent to table)? They do that to make locks more manageable, and while in most cases it improves performance, in some high-concurrency situations it can be a gigantic PITA (especially given that the ways to strong-arm it into not escalating is not the most helpful).
Just to clarify, are you talking about MSSQL's tendency to escalate locks (e.g. from row to page to extent to table)? They do that to make locks more manageable, and while in most cases it improves performance, in some high-concurrency situations it can be a gigantic PITA (especially given that the ways to strong-arm it into not escalating is not the most helpful).