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Python API (pythonapi.com)
243 points by compcm on Sept 9, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 49 comments

This definitely could use a form to submit API wrappers. I used the contact form linked at the top to submit Stack.PY, a Python module for the Stack Exchange 2.1 API, which is available on Launchpad (https://launchpad.net/stackpy) and PyPI (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stackpy). The SE API documentation is at https://api.stackexchange.com/docs

I think all the "You are missing X" comments suggest that the OP is on to something. Great idea!

Yeah, those are definitely the kind of "complaints" that I like to see about my own apps. :)

I'm working on to create a "Submit API" form. The Stack Exchange API is added. Thanks!

Thanks. I will add it shortly.

The Urban Dictionary API wrapper[1] isn't in Python:


  $ npm install -g urban # bin
  $ npm install urban # lib

[1]: https://github.com/mvrilo/urban

Edit: Though looking at the site it again it only lists it as "command-line tool and API" instead of "Python wrapper" like all of the rest. Seems odd on a page dedicated to Python API wrappers.

Updated the URL. If you can find a better wrapper, please let me know :)

It's interesting to see how differently these are all implemented. I guess it depends on what's at the other side of the api and how much work the developer wants to put in to data conversion.

When you flick through the first few examples you see that the result from querying a lib could be a nested dict, a bunch of objects or an lxml.etree. Every time you approach a new api, even with the help of a library so you don't have to deal with the transport, you still need to learn a unique set of data structures.

At Cosmic(http://www.cosmic-api.com/), we are working toward making web APIs more consistent and easier to build/consume with higher level framework. We take care of transport work, as well as data structure work. The data structure work(https://github.com/cosmic-api/teleport.py) is similar to Thrift, Protobuf, Avro, etc but with more emphasis on 'information on web' rather than dealing with raw bytes.

Cosmic is trying to achieve similar goal as Docker, as we are trying to build a framework/tools/services which solves APIs X languages matrix(Slide 14 of http://www.slideshare.net/dotCloud/why-docker).

FYI, the project is still in very early design stage, any feedback is very appreciated.

Yeah, it'd be nice to be able to submit an API.

Like for Trello: https://bitbucket.org/btubbs/trollop

Thanks for the URL. I will look into that.

I always wanted a matrix of code in each language for accessing an API, the way that Rosetta Code shows examples for performing a calculation. I was shocked that there's no REST api category on rosettacode.org (although in fairness there's no http either):




I would very much like a language-agnostic way to tie all of these APIs together!

This is really neat!

You are missing the UPS API! (disclosure: I wrote this python library for it :)



Seems like a shame that there is only one option listed for the various services. There are several good libraries for twitter, and at least ptt (http://mike.verdone.ca/twitter/) and tweepy (https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy) are better, imo, then the python-twitter wrapper linked here.

It could use an entry for Echonest, which has all sorts of great APIs for working with music audio and metadata

[1] http://developer.echonest.com/

[2] http://echonest.github.io/pyechonest/

great suggestion, I was looking for something like this

Already added.

How can we add to the list?

I will work on that! For now, just use the contact form or Twitter (https://twitter.com/pyapis)

Thanks but no thanks. I suggest that you come up with a github repo and ask people for pull requests.

agreed. setup a repo.

also, it would be nice if you would allow more than one wrapper per api.

An API would be appropriate.

Nice! Rackspace Cloud SDK is missing though: http://docs.rackspace.com/sdks/guide/content/python.html

"Python wrapper for Netflix" links to https://github.com/ozgur/python-linkedin

It appears to have been fixed. It now points to https://github.com/jcopenha/pyflix

Updated for a while ago already, forgot to mention it here. Sorry.

Google APIs client library [1]

Supports [2] various Google services (AdSense, Analytics, Calendar, YouTube etc etc)

[1]: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/

[2]: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/refe...

For the Tumblr API, the link to the client is for our v1 API which has been deprecated in favor of our v2 API.

We have an official python client that I work on when I get time here: https://github.com/tumblr/pytumblr, Though I know there are tons of other awesome wrappers for v2 out there.

Super nifty, bookmarked.

Although it's missing API's for Hacker News[0] and Fuck Off As A Service[1].

[0] https://github.com/dmpayton/python-ihackernews

[1] https://github.com/dmpayton/foaas-python

Nice idea.

Missing Evernote API: http://dev.evernote.com/doc/

Thanks. I will add the Evernote API later tonight

Shameless plug: Kindly add my startup's API, the Semantics3 Product API* (https://semantics3.com/) too :)

Documentation: https://semantics3.com/docs Our Python wrapper library: https://github.com/Semantics3/semantics3-python

*We are a replacement for the soon-to-be-shutdown Google Shopping API

Nice job. Another addition: Stripe Python API https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python . The documentation is on https://stripe.com/docs/api/python.

Stripe API just added.

A Lot of these libraries, are old and aren't maintained. Nice idea horrible curation.

It really bothers me that API isn't capitalized in "Api Documentation" :)

LOL. That's a good point. I will fix that tonight :)

Disqus Python, https://github.com/disqus/disqus-python

Nice comprehensive list, Thanks!

Just updated the site with more API's. Check it out.

Anyone know of a list like this for Node.js, Ruby?

Very nice!! That ESPN one has some real potential.

Alas, you are missing Titshare

Amazing! Thanks!


very handy! Thanks a lot


interesting and handy stuffs! +1!


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