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How we got to $1,000 in recurring revenue (idonethis.com)
160 points by smalter on Sept 9, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 68 comments

Please take this as constructive: I pay for your system for a team of about 10 people. It works and it's been useful to us - but as soon as I get some free time I'm very likely going to roll my own, because I slightly resent the $5 per user per month price-tag for such a simple service; I think it's pretty expensive for the features compared to other single-purpose cloud tools.

I'm not asking for more features, because I like the fact it does one thing and does it well. I reckon it's probably a fair price around $1-$2 per user per month. I can't help but think you'd get more revenue overall with a lower price-tag.

Dear iDoneThis team - do NOT lower your prices [1].

As a fellow subscription revenue biz, we've found that lower priced plans invite customers whose support requirements are much greater. And you won't make it up in volume.

Real businesses that value their time will spent $50/month for a service that saves them time without thinking twice. Your early traction proves this out.

The graphic you had in your post about developer thinking makes me think you guys already know this, but I see the lower price advice a lot on HN, and almost always, I think it is the wrong advice.

[1] - This is obviously 100% opinion, and you know your business 1000x better than I do. BTW, our product's subscription price point is significantly higher $12k per annum at the low end, and we just moved this up from $7500 earlier this year. BEST DECISION WE EVER MADE.

> As a fellow subscription revenue biz...

I think it's hard to group all "subscription services" into the same bucket. Selling proprietary data in the financial services market (like CB Insights) is very different from selling a simple tool (like iDoneThis).

Also, it should be noted that price is just one component of a pricing model. If you don't look at how you charge, and only consider how much you charge, chances are you're not going to maximize revenue.

$5/user/month looks good on paper, but I wouldn't necessarily assume that the perceived value scales with a flat-fee-per-user (no tiers) model. Example:

1. If my company has 10 people, sending iDoneThis $50 each month probably isn't a big deal.

2. If my company has 10 teams of 10 people, iDoneThis is now a $500/month expense. That's $6,000/year. I might not dispute that there's value to the service, but my perception and consideration of its value is likely to change as the total cost increases.

If your company has 10 teams of 10 people, your most important action is not saving $500 a month. You're (hopefully) earning a proportionally higher amount for your 100 people and you should continue to focus on that. If the software stack helps, don't fiddle with it to save a few bucks.

The challenge for iDoneThis is not to make it cheaper per user, it's to re-invest the highish costs in order to beat the competitor who is charging 50c per user. Make iDoneThis better at managing the ever-growing complexities of syncing information when you have 100/1000/10k staff members and you have no damned idea what they're doing.

Especially because quite a few hackers are thinking "you know, I could make that app and sell it for a few bucks less." Don't race them to the bottom, because Twitter is at the bottom at $0p/m.

> If your company has 10 teams of 10 people, your most important action is not saving $500 a month. You're (hopefully) earning a proportionally higher amount for your 100 people and you should continue to focus on that. If the software stack helps, don't fiddle with it to save a few bucks.

This type of thinking is prevalent on HN, but it's not always realistic. Most companies of a certain size have financial controls, and even if $500/month is not a lot of money in a relative sense, the number of $500/month line items for nice-to-have, this-helps-a-little products and services is reasonably limited.

Getting a budget for something that isn't in a "checklist cost" category can be a real headache, every vendor relationship has overhead, and instituting a new SaaS for 100 people (and getting them to actually use it) may have its own costs (staff time, etc.).

> Make iDoneThis better at managing the ever-growing complexities of syncing information when you have 100/1000/10k staff members and you have no damned idea what they're doing.

That's a fundamentally different product than what iDoneThis has today. To support development of that product, it will need substantially more than $1,000/month in recurring revenue, or it will need additional funding.

> Especially because quite a few hackers are thinking "you know, I could make that app and sell it for a few bucks less." Don't race them to the bottom, because Twitter is at the bottom at $0p/m.

If you build a business around a simple concept that requires limited functionality, you can refuse to engage in a race to the bottom, but it doesn't change the fact that you will almost certainly be undercut if others see a worthwhile opportunity.

In other words, iDoneThis can keep its $5/user/month price point, but if this is an appealing enough concept, it will have competition, and cheaper competition, before it ever obtains enough revenue to "re-invest the highish costs" as you have suggested.

Great points all around.

I do agree that for larger company/enterprise type deals, the current iDoneThis pricing may not work and IMO, that's a large opportunity.

Seconding this. In consulting or SAAS work I've done, the trend has been the same: low priced customers generate the highest levels of support, send the largest amount of unreasonable requests, and produce the most headaches.

None of this is a dig at the grandparent comment. Just a general tendency. Produce something of value, and people will pay and be glad to do it. The whiners will go elsewhere and you'll be better for it. (again, NOT a dig at the grandparent. There's an actual class of whiny users that vanishes when your don't pander to them)

Couldn't agree more.

With all due respect to louthy, making a decision to lower your prices based on the notion that a customer finds it to be a good use of their time to save $600 / year to build a copy of your service indicates that the amount of time it takes him to build it is worth less than $600.

That might not be a great target market.

If I were him, I wouldn't worry about 1 customer saying they'll build their own. My coworker (a PM, no less) decided, rather than Solr or ElasticSearch, to write his own search engine for a work project. He did it, and it obviously took 10 times longer than estimated and cost way more than was necessary. There will always be a proportion of customers who want it cheaper, but that doesn't mean you're priced wrong: it means they're not measuring value accurately.

For a good engineer, 600 dollars gets you something between 10 and 20 hours of work. To produce a polished project, start to finish, that's not going to happen.

'Less than $600 a year' is different to 'less than $600'. If you plan to use it for 4 years (assuming team size remains constant), that's a potential saving of $2400.

I second the notion to not decrease your prices. There may be a few people that have the time and are willing to produce their own alternative product, but iDoneThis is definitely worth the cost (probably even more).

As with many subscription products, I feel that iDoneThis will become the product that business owners get used to paying each month.

Clearly some price point is too high. Why do you think the current pricing is below that threshold?

Test higher prices, like you've done so far.

Some price point is too high, but you won't now what it is until you've found it via testing.

>As a fellow subscription revenue biz, we've found that lower priced plans invite customers whose support requirements are much greater.

This has been my experience, too. The customers who consume the most support resources are almost always on the lowest cost plan.

Google has their own similar internal software called Snippets that instead of nightly sends out an email once a week, collects responses and sends out a digest along with a web app interface

explanation of software:


some former google engineer rolled out an open source version of the software that with some factoring, nightly cron jobs instead of weekly and potentially a cleaner user interface for the web app could prolly fit your needs


FWIW, I've used http://www.snptz.com/ off and on since it debuted on HN some years ago for weekly snippets.

I've since developed my own daily forward-looking/backward-looking format, essentially a simple text-based mashup of David Seah's inspiring productivity forms:


Thanks for linking David's stuff, that was something I didn't realize I needed.

interesting never seen http://www.snptz.com/ before, did it work pretty good?

It did for my needs. It's super-simple, yet you can choose to use it just via the weekly emails or the web interface.

It's open source as well (in Python for App Engine): https://github.com/tedpower/snptz

Looking at the code, I noticed it actually supports teams, a feature I've never used but that looks quite functional.

http://weekdone.com/ is a service allowing this via web, mobile and e-mail as well. There's even a Google Snippets template. (disclosure: I am a co-founder at Weekdone).

I can see both sides of this. Perhaps a solution is idonethis not charging per-user? $10/mo for a small team seems fine. $50/mo for a small 10-person business would certainly put me off if I had a team that size. $20/mo would compare more favourably.

As a point of comparison, I pay $600/yr (same amount @louthy pays for idonethis) for Xero which is my accounting system. It does reconciliation for multiple banks accounts, statements and invoicing with templates, handles payroll for up to 20 staff at that account level, enables remote and auditable participation from my bookkeeper and accountant, has extensive reporting, etc. I could not build even a simple replacement for all that functionality for less than a few years worth of $600/yr in time.

Your time must not be worth very much if you're really considering rolling your own. How long will it take you? A day? You might think so, but no. A weekend? Possibly, but you won't handle all of the corner cases. A week? Getting closer. How much would you pay yourself for a week of work?

I had the idea to build something very similar, but hoped to find a pre-existing solution. When I found idonethis, I found the cost prohibitive, so I built it myself.

It took me about a week, so that's fair, but that's to rebuild not just the core functionality, but also the multi-tenant SaaS part.

I have a 50 person team. So, I would've paid $250/mo, or $3k/year. So, I really invested $2k to develop my own version, which also has the potential to make money if people prefer paying $15 for a team of unlimited users.

So, no, I didn't find that a waste of time. Plus, I learned some new things along the way, and can fine tune the app as I see fit.

This is the risk of building a business around simple, contained functionality. They're easy to clone, and you better get the execution and pricing right, and figure out how to expand on the concept, or you'll be commoditized quickly.

I love that you displayed your "innovation accounting" here. I'm wondering, how do you account for ongoing cost for maintaining/updating the software? I've never seen software that didn't require some TLC over time...

I think a much better solution would be to not charge per user, and to make it tiered. This is the type of thing that could be useful to teams of different sizes, but it doesn't add more value for more users really. Paying $25 a month for 5 users seems ok. Paying $100 a month for 20 users seems absurd.

Just do 3 tiers for like 1-5, 5-20, > 20 users on the order of $19, $29, $49 or something.

If you have twenty users for this system, it is likely that "you" pay more than $50,000 every other Friday. (Substantially more if they're techies.) I say "you" in scare quotes because much like software payroll just comes out of a budget and isn't "your" money -- spend it or don't spend it, your call, but either way it isn't in your pocket. Your personal financial situation is influenced in a much sharper degree by whether your unit actually accomplishes business goals or not.

If you have 20 employees, many, many, MANY things with less certain value than this software cost you more than $100. Many of them are just costs of doing business which you ignore because $100 is chicken feed and moves no needle at the business.

> If you have 20 employees, many, many, MANY things with less certain value than this software cost you more than $100.

It seems like you're arguing that if you have 20 employees, you're probably wasting more than $100/month on other products and services, so spending another $100/month on iDoneThis isn't a big deal.

You might be right in certain cases. Some companies have tighter financial controls and are more thoughtful about managing expenses than others. But as valuable as it might be, iDoneThis is very limited in scope and, perhaps more importantly, is not a "checklist cost" that companies (justified or not) expect to have each month. As such, I think it's very precarious for iDoneThis to depend on the old "companies waste more money on other stuff" non-value proposition.

As I noted in another comment, I think it would be wise for iDoneThis to reconsider its pricing model as $5/user/month seems very likely to create agita as the number of users scales. As an example, consider that a Silver Github plan costs $50/month, and can easily support many companies with a 20 person development team.

A company that spends an human being's time on evaluating tiny expenditures is not being thoughtful; it's being wasteful. Your employees' time has value just like money does, and any appreciable amount of an employee's time is worth more than $100.

Now that is a good point. I still think tiered pricing is a better fit, but perhaps he can make the tiers higher.

I reckon $1-2 per month is way too low if they already have paying users at the $5 per month rate. ...but perhaps they could offer discounted pricing of say $4 per user if it was paid annually ($48/user/year instead of $5/user/month).

For the people that are complaining about this point of view, remember that this is a PAYING customer who is currently $600 a year for the service. I assume that most people saying not to drop the price are not paying users of this service.

I agree that you should not take into account the fact that most people say taht software is too expensive, but I think that you should also take onto account when people would prefer to "roll their own" than pay for your services as it also demonstrates that you dont have a "lock in" effect and so cant charge a lot more than what the product is worth to a customer.

This is just cheap & short-sighted

At $50/month, it would take you a year to recover the cost of building it yourself on your company's dime. A time cost you should be spending on something to increase your company's revenue, instead of trying to save them $600 a year.

"I wouldn't pay 2 Starbuck's coffees per month, but I'd pay the price of a cheap cup at the gas station"

C'mon, man - everything on the internet isn't free.

Is it not about value? If 50 bucks a month extra value isn't being earned / created by your team as a result of using it, then stop using it :) Or use a whiteboard.

Definitely constructive, thanks for this.

I don't use your product, but I feel like the poster above doesn't apply the correct value to your product. You are helping 10 of their employees. 5$'s is a small fee, 2$ is a small fee. Neither breaks the bank. Set your price point at what you're conformable with. Not to the idle promise of "I can do this, so it should be cheaper". They're underestimating the work/effort of creating it and the value it provides.

You're right that it doesn't break the bank. It just feels overpriced.

I am not underestimating the work/effort that goes into creating it, I am very aware of the effort required. My primary motivation for using it in the first place was because I was too busy to write something like this myself, and for that the price is fair - my time is worth more right now.

But I don't think a system which sends out email reminders and logs daily text updates is $600 per year software, sorry.

The author is clearly perfectly entitled to keep the price at whatever level he likes, and I wish him all the luck in his endeavour.

Agreed. Most businesses actually don't care what a service costs if it does two things..

1) something useful they need 2) cost is low enough that they don't need to get approval

A/B test pricing changes if you do anything. Most companies have a problem of undercharging for a service, not overcharging.

Keep in mind your dealing with programmers on Hacker News, but most non-programmers don't think anything is necessarily simple or easy to recreate.

Great job, and good luck on future sales.

Louthy in this thread is making a good case for the kind of user that you can afford to lose. If $5 per user does not cause some of your users to go away then you're too cheap. Scale it up an order of magnitude, or even two, watch your competition like a hawk and make sure that you make you users happy, never mind about them resenting to pay. The way to offset that is not to lower your price but to give more for the same price.

best of luck, I feel that "We made $1,000 in recurring revenue" is so much more constructive than 'Show HN'.

It's not really a "Show HN", though is it? It's an paid-for extension of an existing product. In that vein, while an informative post I did find the following statement a bit disingenuous:

"As Paul Buchheit, creator of Gmail and partner at Y Combinator, says, the correct order of operations is to “sell before you build.” When you launch, you want a whole list of people that you can tell to buy it. But more than that, you want to ensure that you’re investing all that time building something that people want to buy."

As far as I can tell, they built a product for 40,000 people over a certain period of time without generating a cent in profit or knowing in advance that any of those people would ever consider paying from the product. While some users did claim they wanted a team version they would pay for, this was only after the base product was built without knowing people would pay for it.

This bugs me a bit because I'm working on a project where I'd love to be able to sell before I build, as it's obviously a very sound principle, but in practice I just can't see how to go about it and I was hoping to learn something new from this post.

That comment jarred with me too, in reality what they did is the total antithesis of what Paul's quote embodies.

There are a few options for seeing if people will buy before you build. The often quoted one here (and it's also used in the Lean Startup as an example) is have a sales site, have a 'buy now button', but go through to a 'we're currently in beta, email me when it's ready'.

Then buy google ads or whatever your sales pipeline is and see if people click 'buy now'. If no-one does, you've got a problem.

If you've got a big ticket item, you can do something similar but be upfront that it's not built. Talk to clients, see if they want what you're thinking of making and suggest a price to see if they say yes. Again, if you can't find anyone to say yes, you've got a problem.

And for some projects, Kickstarter is another obvious method.

Sell before you build: you go through what you could automate by doing it by hand. Automation is optional. If you actually sell automation then that is of course impossible but if you sell a product that you could create by hand just as well as through a computer program then you can sell right away.

When we launched our company, we spent quite a bit of time identifying, based on the concept, who are the top 100-companies that we would like to do business with, who in the organization would buy this and how do we get to that person.

From there, we cold called / emailed like maniacs - 'here is what we are working on, here is the problem it will solve, here is why you need it, can we have 20-minutes of time to walk you through this?' We leveraged every possible network connection that we had.

When we got people on the phone, we actually showed them mocks of what their site would look like with our platform (lots of Photoshop). Explained that about how we wanted to get them in a beta program, and how much would they pay?

It was a ton of hustle, but we had 10-customers when we launched that were generating a little bit of revenue and willing to give us quotes in the press or get on stage at events.

It is more of a larger, enterprise sale, so it won't work for all companies, but we were essentially selling something that we were building in parallel and wouldn't accept free for an answer.

So whats your products?

So it's time for a 'Show HNtM', which shows HN the Money :)

That said, Show HNs are one of the most exciting parts of why HN rocks, even if they don't yet make money.

Not enough people say this anymore, but congrats!

That first $1/$1,000/$1,000,000 is the hardest. Good luck.

Much appreciated, Allen. That means a lot, especially because I'm a big fan of what you're doing with CircleCI.

Some major feedback: send out a "yay, you're signed up" email.

I signed up on my iPad, and forgot about this, assuming an email would remind me. If I hadn't checked hacker news again I would have forgotten about your service entirely.

You can use this email to orient new users too.

Edit: might have been a bug due to a clumsy signup I had on my iPad. Couldnt input well on the keyboard. Just changed my password and instantly got an orientation email.

Excellent work!

Our solution was to email daily commit logs at 12AM to the team. The logs are parsed and beautified so they're easier to read, like a report. This only works for the programmers, your solution makes more sense for other departments.

When we launched http://weekdone.com/ team management and internal communications tool, we decided to take the price out of equation by having the lowest possible price: $1 per employee per month. That has proven to show companies willingness to pay, while at the same time experiment more with the product. At the same time we know we can easily raise the price in the future.

Basically I suggest other startups to consider the price a part of the marketing mix. It's never a standalone thing. You might discount on price to decrease your marketing costs, or vice versa.

The higher you go with the price: $3, $5, $10 per user - the harder it becomes to understand how much is it the price and how much the product that's holding back paying users.

Another option is to have different prices for different team sizes depending on your sweet spot. Eg Atlassian JIRA starts at $10/10 users, then goes up to $2-3, then down again. Asana is free for 30 users, then goes up, then down again. Weekdone now is also $1.5 at lower level, then growing to $2-3, the lower again.

Weekdone has some similarities to iDonethis by the way, although we work with the weekly, not daily paradigm. We actually have many users who use both, or switch between the two.

Launching the paid team version was a great idea.

As a personal tool, iDoneThis is neat but it competes with a ton of other tools in a very crowded market. I had already lost interest and stopped using it when they launched the team version and pricing.

...but when I heard about what they were doing with teams it was immediately obvious that this would be great for us. Everyone seemed to like it and get it right away.

Thumbs up to iDoneThis for recognizing their potential as a team product.

Well done. Just signed up for personal account, I've been looking for a system to let me track this.

Coincidentally, I recently built a similar service as a week-long project to solve the same problem for a client.

I tried idonethis, but found the interface confusing and the pricing prohibitive.


Two quick points of feedback:

First - not a particularly important detail - but please do your site a favor and get rid of the very tacky rocket ship clip art. I don't know why every SaaS MVP decides to abuse that image.

Second, this: "Status reports suck. We make them suck less."

That's not a professional sales pitch. Unless you're trying to sell to college teenagers (who wouldn't buy the product to begin with), it comes across as almost a parody or joke.

Also, saying you make the focus and point of your product suck less, is an extraordinarily bad way to try to sell a customer. It's a sales pitch from a negative. Never do it.

Appreciate the feedback. The icons are all stock flatui. As I said, I built it in a week, and launched it two weeks ago. I'm working on a makeover, but prioritized getting the app polished ahead of the marketing site.

I disagree on the tagline, though. I'm not saying that our product sucks less. I'm saying that it makes doing status reports suck less. You may prove me wrong in the long run, and I'd be happy to be wrong on this, but my initial instinct is to keep it the same.

Thanks though! And sorry to the idonethis team. I don't want to hijack your thread.

After taking more time to digest your feedback, I think you're right on both points. I made some stopgap changes to the marketing site last night.

Thanks again ;)

Hey Adam, what was it about the interface particularly that you found confusing? We're working on improving it and I'd love your feedback on this.

Would you mind sharing some screenshots or provide a demo account to tour the interface?

It wouldn't hurt to add a signup button at the top of the page either.

The tour will be up tomorrow. Agree on adding a sign up button up top. Thx.

I've been an idonethis user for a while, but feel like it is missing some extra features. So I rolled my own and am looking for early alpha testers: https://teamtracker.io

First: congratulations!

Second: you say that: "Your privacy and security is our top priority. We take all reasonable precautions to keep your data safe and secure."

Does that mean that you support s/mime and gpg for the emails you send and receive?

I wonder, with a product as simple as theirs: how do they differentiate from clones?

I mean, they're targeting developers and teams with a useful service, but also a service so simple that most developers could create a minimal clone that performs their core feature in a few hours.

Either their product needs to have really neat integration into other tools (like time tracking, project planning, etc) or they need to have some magic tricks that I don't see. Anyone care to enlighten me?

The domain is pretty unique and memorable.

congrats guys! i love products that leverage email as part of their core workflow/product experience. email is so ingrained in our everyday habits, i hope more startups take advantage of it. email is really the ultimate "dashboard" for knowledge workers.

I initially checked out iDoneThis and liked the idea, but $5/user/mo was a little too much for my bootstrapped startup.

Hence, I just created a mashup of Google Calendar + Docs and Gmail to create a solution does the same thing as iDoneThis for zero dollars.

Nice work! I've been tracking your product for quite a while. I've been building something similar for myself as well. It's not quite ready yet though. Congratulations on your achievement!

Nice. I know how it feels. I'm done with my first 1,000. Going to the next level.


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