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I noticed the WP layer missing (on the public web maps) quite a long time ago. Very disappointing. (I heard there was a disagreement between WP and Google that may have precipitated that.) Along with that, I believe that the amount of information detail on Google's (public web) maps has been dropping steadily. I've assumed that's because of increased mobile usage necessitating bandwidth-trimming measures. (No hard examples, based on expectations created by prior experience.)

Similar things seem to have been happening at OpenStreetMap ... the gradual fade of a certain kinds of detail. Zoom in on a region and see what kind of luck you have identifying bodies of water. (Same problem at Google.) I've had to switch to the MapQuest version for that.

Can you give more detail on what you are missing in the osm map and link to examples? That style is open, unlike.the others.

Well, for example compare:

OSM http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=10/51.3825/-68.5375 (I don't see anything on the St. Lawrence River either...)

Mapquest http://mapq.st/18F1XnO

Looking at LARGE bodies of water away from populated regions, I'm seeing very few labels anywhere.

Prior to the last half of August the OSM.org style had not been touched in several years. If you're seeing problems you should file a bug on the style's Github page:


Could you say more about the disagreement between Wikipedia and Google? I hadn't heard that.

I guess I was thinking of this: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57410234-93/wikipedia-dumps... which was a year ago April (how time flies...)

IIRC before that time GM were thickly populated with WP icons, and that diminished over time.

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