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garlic presses ftw.

I agree with your point and yet still think posts like this are worth while. Many, many, people and businesses are so funnel focused these days, they've lost sight of the bigger picture.

Godin has been talking about this stuff for years, he's a master of hyperbole, and has had a big impact on many people because of it.

garlic presses - so efficient right?

I guess if they're good noise makers that get conversations started then maybe that's a net positive.

I just start to wonder if hyperbole is the most effective long term way to communicate - tho to use my own argument against me, i suppose deciding "most" is not the point ;)

The thing is, hyperbole is more likely to provoke reactions than a seemingly "objective" and rational utterance. Hyperbole might annoy you or you might agree and find it funny, either way, it is more likely to touch you in some way.

Hyperbole enables both people who agree and who disagree to more pointedly argue their particular side. If you think funnels are good, then seeing them compared to a meat grinder will probably annoy you enough to take to the comments and voice your concern or dissent. At the same time, if you find funnels not quite as good, you are equally stimulated to comment based on the apt description of your feelings.

Either way, hyperbole is a way to facilitate communication, especially in cases where the subject itself might not be the most enticing.

Yeah I think that's a fair point. Though then is the goal of a post just to incite conversation as opposed to articulating a well considered opinion?

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