These health effects are distinct from the health effects of non-resistance training such as running, cycling or swimming.
I'd go beyond that: they're complimentary to non-resistance training, and can even help address some of the negative effects of them.
Running's actually pretty good all-around, though it does little for your upper body. Strength training can help there.
For swimming and cycling, a problem is actually the non-weight-bearing nature of the activities. For cyclists, combined with the electrolyte imbalances from sweating and insufficient food intake, bones can actually weaken. Again, whole-body strength training will make up for this.
I'd go beyond that: they're complimentary to non-resistance training, and can even help address some of the negative effects of them.
Running's actually pretty good all-around, though it does little for your upper body. Strength training can help there.
For swimming and cycling, a problem is actually the non-weight-bearing nature of the activities. For cyclists, combined with the electrolyte imbalances from sweating and insufficient food intake, bones can actually weaken. Again, whole-body strength training will make up for this.