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As a semi-technical small business user of AWS I really wonder why so few resources seem to be put to the AWS GUI. For example, why is autoscaling not part of the GUI/AWS console? It's one of the most basic functions and it beggars belief that in this day and age it is done through the command line only. I'd rather not have to pay extra for Ylastic or some other hack when I'm sure Amazon can throw together even the most basic UI in a few weeks.

Use Asgard from NetflixOSS (https://github.com/Netflix/asgard). Shameless project plug: for anyone using Hubot, easily get Asgard up and running, then interface with Asgard via Hubot (https://github.com/imperialwicket/hubot-asgard).

* EDIT: that is, use Asgard because it does a great job of managing autoscaling groups.

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