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Eradicating poverty is very good economic investment even if we ignore the decency and compassion - these are people that cannot consume and cannot produce so they behave like a double punch on potential GDP and growth.

Some people are not currently worth hiring at any wage due to their attitudes, ability, addictions, or mental illness, let alone at a wage that would put them above the poverty line. Eradicating poverty is far from simple, increasingly expensive the further down the tail you go, and almost certainly not a good investment.

< Some people are not currently worth hiring at any wage due to their attitudes, ability, addictions, or mental illness, let alone at a wage that would put them above the poverty line.

It would appear that the current solution is to throw them away like so much trash.

Do you honestly believe that these people were in some way 'thrown out'? Like they were doing fine, and someone came along and said "time to live outside, trash!"

Lets have an adult attitude here. In general, this means accepting that:

- you don't have all the solutions, and if people just did it your way it probably wouldn't help much and would probably make things worse, since your armchair understanding of the problem is probably mostly assumptions and other bullshit.

- all the worlds problems are not caused because the people who disagree with you are evil and prefer a world where people suffer, or intentionally want to make things worse. In reality, almost no one is this way, if they propose a different solution or course of action it's because they see the world differently from different experiences and understanding.

- if there is a solution, it is very unlikely to be any of the things currently proposed or attempted, and will likely require innovative thinking and new solutions. If someone somewhere had figured out an effective and affordable solution, you could point to it and say "look, they figured out a great solution that we can afford and works well", and everyone would say "YEA!", and that's the end of it, assuming there isn't some non-obvious side effect that crops up later and makes the solution actually more harmful than doing nothing, which there usually is.

Better yet, if they have any additional income , they will have to spend it so it goes back in the general economy right away.

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