uh... no shit Sherlock. Are there even any other "spy" agencies? Does the NSA count as spying? Invasion of privacy, warentless and possible unlawful search, yes. But the word "spy" implies people on the ground collecting information, does it not? Does the NSA makes the tools that facilitate CIA spying? Perhaps. Even so, of course the CIA spends more than anyone else, it costs a lot lot LOT more to run and maintain huge network of humans planted throughout the globe than it does to run a big ass data center.
Heh, this is some real movie stuff. Do you think some Yale grad with blonde hair is hanging around cafes in the Middle East or China trying to blend with a disguise too?
Human collection work is done by that Yale grad paying some locals for info, putting that info into a product (powerpoint) and sending up the chain where no one ever looks at it again. The information is probably bad because the local just wanted to feed his family and took money to rat on some guy he just doesn't like.
That's why the CIA's budget is huge. All the payouts and bribes. I know couriers grift plenty in the process too.