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Why I Hate Frameworks (2005) (joelonsoftware.com)
87 points by patmcguire on Aug 27, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 118 comments

I find this article entertaining but ultimately stale and a reminder that as much as we like to criticize the present, the past was not as rosy as we remember.

I haven't worked first-hand with a web framework that I would consider "enterprise" (and therefore encumbered by the kind of nonsense that is being pilloried in the article) in ages, certainly at least five years.

Most frameworks I have worked with in the past five years focus on helping me get my job done while not fussing with annoying details. That is precisely what I want them to do.

Better yet, the most modern of frameworks do that plus have put focus on performance, so they both solve stupid problems I don't want to deal with and do so quickly, giving me nearly the full capacity of the server's CPU to be wasteful/experimental/rushed with my coding style at first. Then I can optimize later to have a high-performance system because the framework itself is no longer the bottleneck it once was.

I love frameworks.

Let's rename this post:

Why I hate badly designed frameworks with unnecessary abstractions.

I think it's more appropriately named "I don't like the word 'factory' when used in frameworks, and I [don't|refuse to] understand how they are useful to developers in their daily jobs."

I teach a Java web dev course that gradually works up from the servlet API through a bunch of different abstractions. I keep a drawn representation of the current stack at all points of the course, and keep a count of the lines of code required to do any particular thing. At the beginning, we need about 10 lines of code to process a basic GET request, and there are lots of explicit dependencies (inheritance, dependencies on HttpServletRequest etc.) and at the end, there are maybe two or three lines of code, and no explicit coded dependencies (several implicit, provided by the framework).

Once you add in a few pieces of actual work (DAOs, collections, CRUD functionality, database connection pools, query abstraction), the code is an order of magnitude simpler when you use a framework than when you don't.

It boils down to this: Using a smaller technology stack makes for an easier learning curve, but your day job after learning the basics involves ten times as much code ( == ten times as many opportunities for bugs, reinventing the wheel, antipatterns etc.), but investing in how to use a larger stack means your day job becomes much, much easier; you write less code, you focus more on your business logic, and you leave the dependency management and plumbing to the framework.

Sure, you might have to use the word "Factory" a few times, but that means you don't have to write the code to implement your object pools and collection handlers. That's already done for you.

The problem (as I see it) is that when you learn a framework you're learning another person's vocabulary for talking about a category of problems. This is very useful when you're just starting out, but becomes problematic later on as you start to do more complex tasks that weren't necessarily well understood by the framework author(s).

The issue I have with frameworks is that the Factories tend to be too tightly coupled to the problems that the original dev or dev team saw, and they aren't flexible enough for me to re-imagine their purpose. They are a perfectly abstracted a solution to a concrete problem, and implementing their [collection|object pool|routing] "API" will only let you change the steps in the process that they thought needed changing.

Factories are a fixed-arity solution to an infinite arity problem. I can't recompose factories like I can functions (in a language with first class functions). Not to mention that the APIs created to marshal data between the objects created by these factories tend to be poorly thought out because, let's face it, we're all monkeys banging out code and none of us can think at the proper level of abstraction to consider everything. But instead of using simple data types and "assume-nothing" interfaces, they try to create an abstract interface with a sample size of one problem. That's never going to work.

Enterprise Frameworks typically say factory when they mean "configuration". And when they say pluggable there should be a footnote that says *with any of our handful of implementations, don't try to write one yourself. They're very good training wheels, but they aren't the panacea to everyone's problems. Use them when they make things easier, ditch them when they get in the way. Fix them when you have the time ;-)

The problem with frameworks at the time this piece was written (to be clear, I think they've gotten somewhat better since) is that the abstractions they provided were so horrendously leaky that you ended up writing more code, not less, because you need to do things that the framework was never meant to do, or was supposed to do but was bad at.

This has been my experience anyway. Even recently, I've had this kind of problem (not to name any names, but socket.io), but only because what I'm working on is somewhat more specialized than in the past.

No, I think he had it right. There's "enterprise" and then there's logically abstracted away in a meaningful and helpful manner. One is not the other. There's far too many bits of code I've come across with FactoryFactoryProxy with a single method that also produce a single FactoryProxy type which produce a single object type. That's not helpful, that's retarded. And when abstractions pile up, the details get lost in the abstraction noise. It's a delicate balance but one that has to be weighed depending on the needs of the developers.

I'm absolutely not trying to contradict you here. In general I agree with pretty much everything you've said. However you raise something that makes me wish to address the muddiness of the details.

> Using a smaller technology stack makes for an easier learning curve, but your day job after learning the basics involves ten times as much code ( == ten times as many opportunities for bugs...

I think you're implying here that not having written the framework abstractions yourself or in-house will reduce bug count. First, to be a bit pedantic, the opportunities for bugs is roughly the same over a given feature set between coded-with-framework and written-from-scratch. The the number of discovered and undiscovered outstanding bugs over that same feature set may be lower, but this doesn't necessarily reduce risk.

By using a framework you're making the assumption that most major bugs have been found and fixed by the sheer volume of people testing the framework in the wild. In a general sense, this is often a valid assumption. However this is in no way a guarantee of good testing coverage.

In my day job we decided to make further use of an open source tool to satisfy a particular security requirement. The tool in question has a community of nearly ten thousand users. However, it turns out that the advertised feature we wished to use was never really adopted by anyone in the community. Because of this we found a major "barrier to entry" type bug that had been outstanding for close to four years, and we lost nearly a month before deciding to scrap the effort and use something else.

Beyond bug count, it's been my experience that when framework bugs do crop up they're more likely to be very costly or time consuming. I say this for a few reasons. First, let's make two fairly reasonable (I hope) assumptions:

Assumption #1: Most people use frameworks to avoid having to worry about the details for which the framework offers a solution. This usually is the main value proposition of a framework (and the quote above alludes to this). This means that when you plan and design your software, you typically assume that the framework is correct. Most people don't budget time/expense for learning the framework's internals.

Assumption #2: If the framework is battle-hardened, most of the bugs you'll probably find are in oddball edge cases and/or are very difficult to track down.

In the best scenario your framework code is open and you can fix the bug yourself if need be. However you pay for this this with the original perceived value of the framework (no need to be an expert in its inner workings), and a lot of unbudgeted time. And let's face it; when we're in a time crunch, we don't do our best work. The probability of introducing new bugs when this occurs is quite high.

Aside from the specific application details that you're now worrying about, you now have new unplanned-for operational overhead. How do you maintain the change to correct the bug? You'll either need to figure out the correct procedures/coding style/etc to submit a patch/pull-request, or you'll need to maintain your own fork of the framework.

Or in the other case where you're working with a closed-source product you're just up a creek. Oh you paid for support? Isn't that cute...

I don't say any of this to attack frameworks. I use them myself quite often. However I do say this to attack the idea that frameworks make it safe for developers to remain ignorant to the inner workings of their system, regardless of which parts were designed/built in-house, as the fact that something is made and supported by a third party, commercial or community, has no bearing on its quality alone.

Yes, and that is really the issue here. Not all frameworks work the same way and some do come with an insanely amount of unneeded overhead.

Sorry to pendant...

A boss once asked me the difference between a library (API) and a framework. Hmmm, had to ponder that one.

Besides the inversion of control -- eg don't call us, we'll call you -- I decided a framework is a prototypical (archetype) app, and you extend it.

Whereas a library is standalone that makes few assumptions about your app's "architecture" (eg the visible set of design choices).

I've written my own infrastructure (eg database wrapper, HTML generation, DOM & xpath, HTTP routing, logging, etc). I wouldn't call my loose collection tools a framework.

I'm trying to update an Eclipse RCP plugin for 4.x. (Hot damn what a struggle.) The RCP is a framework. It makes a huge number of assumptions (for better or worse) and there's the Eclipse Way of doing things.

I'm not suggesting enterprise-style frameworks no longer exist, but simply rather that there are a wide variety of non-enterprise options today.

Also, you are correct, many of the collections of software packages we today, out of convention, call a framework are actually just collections of APIs. DropWizard on the JVM. Gorilla on Go. I recognize the academic purity and the difference in approach (like you said: don't call us, we'll call you). But in practical matters, I find it easier to just consider these collections a framework.

At the very least doing so allows you to communicate with others more easily.

"What framework did you use to build that web app?" "DropWizard." "Cool."

Or, you could answer, "No framework at all, but rather a collection of APIs." "You're some kind of smart aleck, huh?" :)

You should really add (2005) datemark at the end; the discussions portrayed in the link are at best stale, while entertaining.

I think its not frameworks he has a problem with but JAVA itself, I came to the conclusions he arrived at a long time ago, JAVA doesnt save you time on large projects it makes you drown in needless bloat and abstractions and more worrying if working in a large team allows some members to float along easily. but hey its "an enterprise programming language" right?

I think "JAVA" (sic) is still an enterprise language, yes. :)

The modern language known as Java (and most importantly, the coming Java 1.8) is not necessarily an enterprise language. Many people use modern Java to rapidly implement systems that, thanks to the maturity of the JVM, tend to perform very well without much effort--oftentimes none--put into optimization.

I think you got it backward. Java could be overkill for small projects (although I never felt that way, ever).

Large projects need a complete solution that Java has to offer (Java as a platform, language, and its ecosystems).

Over the last 20-30 years, there's nothing out there in the market that really increase programmer's productivity other than Java (and its GC + tools like Maven, FindBugs, Jenkins, IDEs) and Rails (not Ruby, but Rails, Ruby itself is "meh").

I have yet to feel that way with other tools or programming languages yet (one of the reasons why they all failed the "mainstream" tests: only a select few thought that their niche tools are the most productive tools ever, the rest still aren't convinced and have yet to see big projects build on top of the said tools).

> Large projects need a complete solution that Java has to offer

I'm not sure that as true as it is popularly perceived to be; I think it may be more true that there is such a history of use of Java and similar platforms (e.g., .NET) in the environments that produce large systems that there is a cultural bias to thinking it is necessary and that much of the current experience of large systems is centered on that kind of platform.

Arguably, building large systems with less dependence on the kind of pervasive system-wide compile-time interdependencies fostered by Java and similar platforms and instead relying on smaller components with minimal compile-time interdependencies integrated at runtime using well-documented communications protocols and interaction standards -- a real platform agnostic, potentially heterogenous, decoupled Service Oriented Architecture (without, particularly, the return to compile-time interdependency fostered by the approach to SOAP/WSDL common on Java and similar platforms) -- would be better for large systems, particularly when the large systems have components that need to adapt rapidly to changing needs.

I wouldn't write-off SOAP/WSDL approach yet.

The last time I used it in JavaEE6, it was surprisingly very easy and pleasant to work with.

Server-side ===========

1. Write the services

2. Prepare your DTO classes, annotate them

3. Run through JDK command line utility => output: XSD, WSDL

Client-side ============

1. Grab that WSDL+XSD

2. Run them through JDK client-side tool utility

3. Consume the generated code (if you use maven, you can also prepare a JAR and make em as dependencies)

You can automate all of these via maven plugins easily for both sides.

Yes, you'd have to recompile them but it gives you a bit of security/guarantees unlike REST. I thought my experience was not painful enough to warrant to ignore this solution depending on the use-case/situations (i.e.: you could always go overboard).

Compare that to some random Netflix.rb (ruby based) library that internally relies on XPath... feels a bit shaky for me.

But YMMV and definitely it's more of my preferences than other people's.

I do aware of SOA-based solution by breaking down a big system to multiple services with the hope of each system can be independent of others and hopefully can be re-used easily by other services as well. The assumptions here is that each service has its own team (of 3-4 people) that maintain such systems. Sure, you can definitely write these services using anything you want and you certainly invalidate my opinions on that. But there's a price to be paid going toward this model: traceability is harder, collaboration effort also increases, more failure points, etc (I'm sure you're aware of these).

No magic bullet I suppose.

The article is from 2005, and I'm reasonably sure that nearly every geek in the world has read it already.

Every couple years it resurfaces and every couple of years it still seems painfully relevant and current. And I keep reading it, sniggering away, each time :-)

Still relevant.

I hate how, instead of being good at "technology X," employers are requiring people to be skilled at "company Y's version of technology X."

I think we're past the era of overusage on design patterns and the dreaded factory factory factories?

Some people might have just started programming last year. Why would they have read this article in 2005?

My first encounter, and it would have hit the nail on the head, if I'd bother to spend the 3 weeks developing it.

Shakespeare is still a great read.

This argument basically boils down to saying "frameworks are monolithic, and hence not flexible enough".

I agree completely with this, the best antidote to this IMHO are the ideas from the lecture "Simple Made Easy" by Rich Hickey http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy

He argues for an approach to framework development where all the different parts of the framework need to be 100% independent and interchangeable. Essentially, instead of a framework you should have 20-30 different libraries that can fully stand on their own but can be combined to give a framework-like result. You can call it the "Chinese Menu" approach to frameworks.

To see this approach in action, look at the different libraries for Clojure server-side development (Ring, Compojure, etc) which consist of tiny interchangeable libraries for specific tasks.

The new full-stack Pedestal framework also follows this philosophy (and in fact I am sure the Pedestal designers expect large chunks of this framework to be discarded as new approaches are tried withing their system, but the plug-and-play nature of all their libraries allows for effortless swapping of component libraries.) http://pedestal.io/

> tiny interchangeable libraries for specific tasks.

So, the UNIX folks had a good idea, then.

Today's version: Hammer Factories as a Service.

Jesus, the casual misogyny in this article is staggering.

A little dramatic, are we? There is no misogyny in this story.

Oh, and I'm thinking of using Laravel for my latest project. Seems to do a lot of what I need without building factories. I think frameworks have evolved since then.

So I'm assuming you missed all the references to murdering ex-girlfriends? I found it really unsettling, and somewhat sickening to read.

You mean ll two of them? Yeah, and they were simply part of the story. Grow a backbonejs already. (see what I did there?)

In that case I suggest you stay away from most literature, film, and the humanities in general.

Sorry that I don't find references, in the middle of a tech article, to killing people in brutal, vicious ways all that appealing. Sure, I'll happily watch a slasher flick, but that's the time and the place for that. This is completely the wrong context, and exactly the kind of thing driving women out of tech.

misogyny - Hatred of women. How does that have anything to do with the article? You must mean some other word.

Sorry for being unclear -- I'm referring to these parts:

> And, if you want to kill your ex-girlfriend, there's really no substitute for a ball-peen hammer.

> (Maybe they've never had ex-girlfriends. Or maybe they killed them with icepicks instead.)

Not sure how a joke like this could in any way be seen as an attack against women... comedians talk about all sorts of race, gender and religion topics and joke about wanting to kill the person they live with all the time even though they love them (the article talks about him being funny). Not everyone panders to be PC every moment of every day of their lives. Maybe I'm just insensitive, but it seems like a real stretch to take a single comment to mean he hates women.

You do not need to apologize. You are not being unclear.

Its not like the story would have been any less unsavory if he was talking about his boyfriend.

My gut level guess, is this being an extremely old argument, the headline for this one was adjacent to a Reiser headline, so its more of a bad taste style of the times than a long term trend or hidden social bias.

It /would/ have been less unsavory if he were talking about his boyfriend, though; women are exposed to violence (especially in relationships) in a way and at a scale that men just aren't. The way this is presented -- of /course/ everyone can relate to wanting to kill their ex-girlfriend -- is especially gross.

I'm not sure what Hans Reiser has to do with anything and it's a little strange that you brought him up. Wikipedia says Nina Reiser's disappearance was in 2006, a year after this post was made.

Thank you for the second paragraph you are completely correct and I was wrong about the chronological order of those events.

On the other hand I think we are going to have to disagree on your first paragraph. I think you have a perfectly good axe, I just wouldn't grind it there. That component of the original article sucks as a writing strategy without bringing male/female drama into the picture clouding the overall issue of using images of violence inappropriately. I wouldn't downvote you for it, but someone apparently is doing so, which is too bad.

Probably referring to murdering one's ex-girlfriend with a hammer?


What is with all the casual yet incredibly violent references to violence against women? Do we really need that in an analogy about software frameworks?

Oh boy, an overwrought analogy. Everyone loves those.

Anything with that many hammers is going to end up overwrought.

Comparing frameworks to hammers is the completely wrong analogy too. A framework is, you know, a framework. Like insetead of buying 30 different hammers to build a framework, you buy a framework. Then you don't need a hammer. And the framework has slots for your fixtures that use standard fasteners so you can rely on fewer hammers and screwdrivers. Put up some siding and your house is done.

In Alabama we call them "trailers."

A trailer's not a framework, it's more like shrinkwrapped software.

It's the overwrought analogy written to end overwrought abstractions, which are themselves analogies.

The issue with this approach is we don't only need tools, what about when my tool factory factory factory creates a drill factory factory to build a drill factory so I can build a drill.. but then my drill needs batteries? Now I need to build a battery factory factory factory to build an AA battery factory factory to build an AA battery factory so I can build AA batteries.

But that approach seems absurd, what we really need is a more generic factory factory factory factory that can produce tool factory factory factories and battery factory factory factories, as well as all the other factory factory factories we might need in the future!

(On another note, try reading that fast ten times)

This sums up more or less why I ditched Rails altogether.

Funny enough, one commenter on this article advocated Rails:

"I don't want to start yet another religious war, but for a nice respite from the complexities of J2EE frameworks, check out Ruby on Rails. I'm playing with it now and it is a pleasure to work with."

I was actually surprised to see this is from 2005 too...

It was frameworks like the ones Joel was railing against that inspired Rails.

A framework should help you do your job, not get in the way.

(post was by BenjiSmith, just on Joel's site)

Ah, good point.

Really? IMO, there are many reasons why you would want to ditch Rails, but factories of factories is not one of them.

It's not just the factories of factories thing. It's actually the amount of cruft that I don't think is really necessary. I find that the pattern for programming with Rails is to find a gem that more or less does what you want and drop it in, at least, on most developer teams I've seen use Rails. What ends up happening is the creation of this bloated monstrosity that performs like crap for a number of unknown reasons.

Ditched...for what?

Writing my own! You'd be surprised at how lean the code is if you only write what you need. For others, I'd recommend trying one of the lighter weight frameworks (like Sinatra or something if you're into Ruby). Cowboy is good if you're into Erlang.

*edit: Perhaps "writing my own" was not the best usage of words. There is a way to provide server services without writing everything from scratch. I use a number of open source libraries but I refuse to fall into the usage of factory factory factory blueprints that bundle tons of features I don't need.

Writing your own framework may be the best decision for your project. However, it's almost guaranteed that the next developer on your project would find a known framework with known conventions to be easier to understand.

I'm not saying your tradeoff is wrong, just that there is one.

Reinventing the wheel at every turn!

>Reinventing the wheel at every turn!

Perhaps you never heard of this thing called libraries...

It's not "reinventing the wheel", it's designing and building the kind of house you want (with tons of tools at your disposal), instead of living in some customized trailer construction.

Not to mention that "reinventing the wheel" is very useful in itself. I wouldn't want to use the wooden wheels of 1800 horse carriages in my car.

To go down the car analogy rabbit hole, this is not like using obsolete technology (wagon wheels) but instead having a car that uses a completely non-standard size of tires and a bolt pattern that no other manufacturer uses so you need to get your rims custom made.

You see this sort of engineering all the time. Why does that device you just got use a non-standard power plug? What is it doing that's so special that any of the half-dozen standard types wouldn't work?

When you go and custom make something, you better have a good reason for it.

> it's designing and building the kind of house you want

Yes, and that may be a fine decision. If it's your house, and you want ringing the doorbell to play a symphony, and you want to store your cereal in the closet, that's fine. Whatever make s you happy.

The issue is when you ask other people to live in the house with you. How hard will it be for them? Is the cost worth it?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

That's a false dichotomy.

A framework DOES include stuff that you're not gonna need, and also makes several architectural decisions for you. That's a given.

A custom build (with libraries) site does not imply it will be done in some bizzaro way ("cereal in the closet", etc). That's NOT a given.

So that particular accusation against frameworks is definitive, whereas what your particular accusation against projects not using frameworks is a maybe.

(Not to mention that some frameworks, e.g a lot of Java ones, do enforce themselves a "cereal in the closet" --or AbstractFactorySingletonFactoryProxy -- mentality).

If it's customary to store the cereal in the closet in a framework, then people will know where to look for cereal.

On the other hand, if you store your cereal under a squeaky board in the kitchen, that's not helping anyone.

Or, you know, you can build your own house AND keep the cereal in a normal place.

My analogy was terrible. I admit it. But in actual practice, software varies more than houses do.

You could easily walk into my house and find the kitchen. The stove and sink are both there as expected. But despite how carefully I thought it through and built it, and despite the fact that it made perfect sense to me, I doubt you'd find my custom-built intranet app easy to navigate.

On the other hand, my last Rails app has a structure familiar to any Rails developer. The actual business logic is unique, but that's the part that has to be unique. "How do we update the database schema?" is a given.

And if it's unfamiliar, there's plenty of documentation and blog posts to help you. With custom-built code, there's no help on the web.

You do that until you need more flexibility or a broader scope and realize it would have been wiser to start with a sophisticated framework from the get-go. Trust me, been there more than once ;)

Or you could build your own framework that meets a specific standard that allows an instant drop of other libraries to extend your custom framework.

The problem is that you will probably never get to the point of the vision you had initally. Be it because of time (deadlines), changing requirements, teams changing etc. The effort to roll your own is hardly ever worth it.

So you re-implement another framework? Brilliant.

The more code you roll yourself the higher the likelihood that you will have to fix critical bugs on a Saturday night at 1am. It will happen.

And if you rely on someone elses code which you don't understand, you won't even be able to fix the critical bug. At least you stand a chance with your own code.

Experience a couple "framework emergencies" then you'll hate them too. And I thought they were supposed to make things faster and easier, not the reverse.


Your homebrew framework is going to have to go through all the same growing pains as any other, but you won't have anyone to lean on when the going gets tough.

If it's an open-source framework you're using, you can always fork and fix or monkeypatch if you've got problems. Most of the time your issue will be patched already in a pull-request, it's just a case of applying it. Rarely do you have a situation so unique that nobody else has experienced it.

Except, of course, when you're using your own framework.

I've seen so many projects flame out in a spectacular way when developers get it in their head that they can write their own framework, or that they don't need a framework at all. That's the first step towards unmitigated disaster. The next step is to fall into a hole that you can't get out of without a whole lot of work, and have to solve a problem that those frameworks you should've used in the first place have already addressed.

Don't forget that code you understand today quickly turns into code you don't understand in the future. Don't think just because you wrote it you're automatically golden when it comes to making fixes.

"or that they don't need a framework at all."

And that is the fundamental mistargeting of most framework marketing. The ideal short demo or short tutorial for a framework is probably a noob-friendly simple "CRUD plus a little bit". On the other hand that is a horrible actual application for a framework, all that complexity for little reward. And its such a noob magnet. Never programmed in ruby before? No problemo, "rails new crud-demo" and good luck.

I'll agree you need a framework to do something complicated. Not everything is complicated, or grows to become complicated.

This may be the hidden meaning of the original article from 2005. Superficially the joke is frameworks are hyper abstracted into factories for factories for factories (well maybe yes, maybe no). But the more fundamental interpretation of the story is I don't want to enter mass production, I want a fast simple reliable one-off. It will never be the next twitter and it will never be used by more than 1000 people. And sometimes, that's OK.

It's a fine line and slippery slope to be sure. I think that after programming for many years though, a seasoned developer should have honed instincts as to what is probably an established pattern and what isn't. For me, the decision was made when I found I was wasting more time wrestling with the framework rather than just using it.

What framework were you having such a hard time with? Most you need to do it "their way" or you'll be going against the grain all the time.

I've spent a long time in Rails and it solves most Web + CRUD problems well enough. When it doesn't you have options.

Recently I've been doing more NodeJS stuff which requires a completely different mind-set. If you try and do Rails in NodeJS you will fail, and vice-versa. Same goes for something like Django.

This is why picking a framework that approximates your requirements and matches with your philosophy as closely as possible is essential.

Going without a framework is almost always a disaster. At the very least pick one that's thin enough it doesn't get in the way.

Yea that's just the thing. I don't build web apps. I was a backend developer and there are lot of things that have to happen on the backend that doesn't fit in the standard CRUD or MVC pattern.

I think you're overgeneralizing on the last point. I've shipped things without a framework that have been some of the most stable pieces of software I've written.

Not necessarily. I think I've fixed my lion's share of other people's code that I have embedded in my own systems. In fact, I've never been up on a Saturday night due to my own bugs. In the afternoon when I'm trying to fix my unit tests sure, but not Saturday at 1am.

In an isolated system, sure. Or extremely well defined fully enforced demarcation points in a large system, sure. However as part of a large business system, that can be completely out of your control.

Especially if there is a demarcation point or highly detailed definition, but multiple incompatible interpretations simultaneously exist.

If the concept of the failure mode doesn't even exist when the unit test is being written, or is in direct opposition to the stated business plan at that time so "it can't happen" then unit tests can't help.

Even worse is political issues. Yeah sure I promised in writing our demarc point is I'd send you an ASCII file but it changed at midnight to UTF-16 strings inside an XML file and you're either going to like it or work elsewhere and I can make this stick. Oh, well, when you put it that way, then I guess that's why I'm working at 1 AM. A contrived example for short simplicity, the real world is much longer and more complicated.

This is a known anti-pattern.

The real anti-pattern is "My application is simple, so I don't need a framework". Simple applications are ideal for frameworks. It's the crazy hard stuff where frameworks break down.

I completely agree here. I think frameworks excel at making easy-to-medium tasks nearly trivial. It's the space beyond the medium-hard task that frameworks have trouble with.

All frameworks that start out as small tools are destined to become the thing that they hate if they ever get popular.

All projects written without frameworks are destined to re-implement framework-like features, but not as well, if they succeed.

(My statement isn't really ALWAYS true, but neither is yours.)

>All projects written without frameworks are destined to re-implement framework-like features, but not as well, if they succeed.

Of course they will implement framework-like features, that's inevitable. You'll still need routing, authentication, etc.

The win is that they'll implement them for their SPECIFIC use case, and only as much of them as they need, instead of having to accept the whole garbage that comes with a framework.

And you can cherry pick the best libraries for the cause, enging with even better ones that what any framework offers built-in.

I can't guarantee it is always true but I've yet to see a counter example on the code bases I've been exposed to.

It's almost like common problems have common solutions ;).

Would you mind to give us an example?

Rails. Now it's as bloated as the frameworks it used to mock for not being nible enough.

I disagree. I work daily with Java and Rails and Rails is nowhere near as bloated as the Java frameworks I have to work with.

One word: Java. By making Java a bit less dynamic, its creators could add in a bit of static typing and C-like syntax and market it very effectively. (Not what they intended, exactly, but what ended up happening.)

But what happened, is that Java lost just enough power and abstraction, so that the cost-benefit of burgeoning software tooling was still a net win. What Java lost in power, it made up for by writing more code. This is why Java web application servers, Java IDEs, Java messaging middleware became these lugubrious and unwieldy monstrosities, while we in the Smalltalk camp marveled at how we had equivalents that had start up times and enabled edit-test-debug cycles orders of magnitude faster while being comprised of less code -- and yet we were the ones saddled with the "legacy" label and the reputation of being slow. (And entire kinds of tooling like Spring and Maven -- just entirely absent and unnecessary!)

Summary: beware of the situation where something is hyped, but you still wind up with more tooling and writing more code than you would have otherwise.

Most likely, you can do it with less code.

I've been picking on Java here, but this applies to the majority of cases. It even applies to some things in Smalltalk. What are you really trying to accomplish, and can you get most of the same effect with less?

This is great. I was just thinking about this phenomena when I woke up this morning.

In the early days there were general purpose toolmakers. And tool users had to develop the skill to use general purpose tools. They could then tackle a variety of tasks.

Today it appears that the most effort goes to making special purpose toolkits (e.g., frameworks). The only "skill" that the toolkit user must develop is mastering the toolkit. But the kits are enormous, the documentation is enormous and the time commitment is, relative to the number and variety of tasks she will be equipped to tackle after mastery, enormous. I'd venture to guess most users of frameworks only use a small fraction of the toolkit. Hence they can only tackle a small fraction of the tasks that the toolkit could permit them to tackle were they to master all of it. To learn how to use every feature (every tool) within these specialized kits would seemingly take a "lifetime".

Is learning a "framework" worth my time? What happens when the tasks change and the toolkit I've mastered is replaced by a different one? What if I spent my time learning how to use the general purpose tools (still available on every computer running UNIX) that can be used to build special purpose toolkits instead?

Measured in terms of learning and skill development, maybe the greatest benefactors of frameworks are the folks that build them. That is a thought I had. Presumably they must themselves know how to use more general purpose tools. Thus they can build frameworks of more specialized tools. If this is true, that is a skill that is worth the time investment, in my opinion.

Joel on Software was a great forum. I only wish Joel was a UNIX programmer. His frame of reference always seems to be Windows.

The word "portlet" is like a huge warning sign to me that reads "run...like hell....while you still can...."

It's true that if you want to build a spice rack then you don't need a factory to build factories to churn out hammers.

But if you're building a city then the chances are that you don't want the people who furnish each flat in it to have to worry about how the plumbing is done. You want them to be able to concentrate on just their bit, and let the infrastructure work around them,

And that's when these frameworks come in handy - when the people churning out CRUD code to process data don't have to worry about what the message queuing system is, or how their code is instantiated, or where it's going to be used - they just have to wire up a couple of standard interfaces, and make their specific code work.

Someone else will have set up the configuration for them (whose job it is to do just that), and they can get on with their speciality, rather than trying to fashion their own hammers out of rocks, logs and twine.

"they just have to wire up a couple of standard interfaces"

Which change constantly over time. I started playing with Rails in 2006 and refuse to touch it ever again. Oh god the tragedy when rails upgrades and now I have to figure out why the code no longer works. Perl CGI was never, ever, even in the bad old days, nearly as bad as that.

Rails is awesome for development. The rest of the software lifecycle, well... Lets just say it is never allowed to leave development. You're one apt-get intended to patch a security hole, away from a significant rewrite project. I hate it.

Someday, when its totally obsolete, it'll finally be stable enough to be "enterprise grade". Till then I've had enough.

I don't think I've had an issue like that over the past couple of years in my Rails career.

I'm sure you should have probably understood why your code 'no longer works', perhaps some bad Ruby/Rails programming practices?

Almost certainly. And that's another reason I can't stand it, its a my way or the highway culture rather than there's more than one way to do it culture (my mistake for hanging with the wrong crowd), and its marketed as a tool for noobs to quickly ramp up a simple CRUD plus a bit more.

Its marketing doesn't match its design. Its a tool for experienced experts to work slightly faster using the One-True-Workflow which they already know. On the other hand, most books, online tutorials, etc, show it as a noobs playground. Its like taking the kids to a neighborhood park that turns out to resemble an Indiana Jones movie set.

I had zero ruby experience when I started fooling with RoR in 05, 06. All rails did was get in the way of developing those language skills. Training wheels on a Harley Davidson, something like that.

Write once, upgrade never because it'll stop working and as a noob shielded from the cold hard world by the framework, you won't have the experience to be able to figure out why. What a pain. The whole experience, just suffering.

Off the top of my head, around 05/06 going in as a complete ruby and rails noob, there was no noob-obvious handholding way to handle many-many CRUD. Things have in fact probably improved quite a bit since then. The problem is with a one-true-path culture, everything has to be rewritten to fit the enforced style of the day. And frankly for some meaningless intranet "CRUD plus a little more" app thats now become somewhat biz critical, I don't want a life of permanent rewriting.

Ah, whatever, just ignore my ranting. My experience has been horrific and it'll color my judgment. I'm sure for everyone else its all candy corn and unicorns and balloons all day long, and will continue to be so. I'll just use something else.

I think Rails is wonderful, but it's not for me. It's explicitly designed to shut down many design decisions because they were made a priori by DHH. Don't want to co-mingle persistence and domain modeling? Too bad! Tie yourself to the ship and get on with it!

I realized the other day that Rails is designed for Internet time: ship as fast as possible, see if it sticks. If it does, then needing to re-write every few years is assumed to be no big deal, as, presumably, it is succeeding.

I view rewrites as a fundamental failure of design. I should be able to evolve the domain model independently of the UI. Only when there are massive, breaking changes in the scope of the application ("we're going to sell video games instead of show classifieds!") is a rewrite truly necessary.

But, IMO, industry hates design because it alludes to the fact that programmers are not easily replaceable. So, it pushes a new framework or language every 2 years to keep people hopping around, solving the same problem over and over. Meanwhile, it fails to train those people in the (mostly timeless) ways of solving problems reliably. And devs lap it up, secretly hoping it will fix all those icky maintenance problems they're starting to run into.

I've had this conversation before in different terminology. I was concerned that a majority of service based businesses were building castles in the clouds and creating a bubble. Naval of Angellist recently tweeted something similar [1]. Essentially, it comes down to this: the more layers of abstraction you build, the farther you get from solving real problems. I guess this is the epitome of consumerism though.

[1] https://twitter.com/naval/status/360890615896092673

So what is the right java web framework today? Play has gone down the scala route - is there really another rails-like web framework that today that would do what the author is asking?

Rails-like is a confounding term. If you mean something as comprehensive, I'm not sure there is quite an analog. Although I personally don't usually want something as comprehensive.

If you mean something that is easy to get started, deals with the most annoying stuff, and gives you the fundamentals to implement an application, then I think there are some good options.

Of the Java frameworks we've tested [1], if you are ruling out Play-Java (because of a real or imaginary Scala design preference; I'm not judging that), I personally enjoy the coding style of Rest-Express and DropWizard. Check out the Rest-Express [2] and DropWizard [3] multi-query test implementations for a quick insight into their coding style. (Note the Rest-Express test was contributed by that framework's author.)

I'm not sure if this really answers your question, but I think it does speak to my earlier point in this thread that modern frameworks solve the problems I most care about and also (happily) tend to do so more efficiently--with respect to server resources--than the frameworks of a few years ago.

[1] http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r6&hw=i7...

[2] https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/blob/mast...

[3] https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/blob/mast...


Nothing against scala specifically, just using Play-Java (which we are) means you are bound to using sbt and when debugging into play internals you are looking at scala instead of java.

DropWizard is fantastic, will check out rest-express. I think the thing I miss from both that you do get in play (and rails) is the front end templating, assets pipeline, and useful assorted bits tailored to quickly building a html/js/css/api web app.

It depends. When you say "Java" do you mean Java or the JVM?

It's certainly not anything like rails, but if I'm forced to work in Java I'm quite fond of SpringMVC, especially for building restful services that need to support a bunch of different serialization formats. Once you get over the fact that Spring-done-right is a bit XML-heavy, it's quite good. Also since most of the heavy-lifting is front-loaded into the the context initialization it can be very performant.

Otherwise for more simple stuff I just drop down to straight-up servlets and JSP.

If you can relax your requirement to just the JVM there are tons and tons of options...

Ofcourse the message here is 'too much abstraction'.

There are loads of bad frameworks that want to be too smart and too clean. I mean, there is nothing wrong with writing HTML. But I've seen stuff like:

   $output .= $framework->dom->returnInputElement('text', 'name', $initValue, $options);
That's nice and all but when it just returns the element without any extra functionality I think its just a waste of code and resources.

A framework like this would probably scaffold the inputs for you based on your model structure, in which you do get back that you don't have to write boring ass crud stuff. Great for doing admin pages.

But for consumer facing stuff, you should probably abstract to something that templates (HAML, mustache, etc).

> just returns the element without any extra functionality

I hope it at least protect from XSS attacks.

this is most likely a rant on jsp and servlets (cringe), judging by the time period, struts was probably used in combination with these technologies which had to run on some overly expensive app server or tomcat, and needed to include the j2ee sdk (java 2 enterprise edition for all you youngins) even if you're just using servlets, j2ee and ejbs were a whole other ball of mess.

i can relate, writing apps in rails, django, etc is much better than what was available back in the day (8 years ago!) for java side, spring was just starting to emerge around that time if not later which gives you a pretty comparable experience to rails.

Very sweet piece from Benji Smith, reminds me of Steve Yegge's "Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns"...

"general-purpose tool-building factory factory factory" Heh.

I lost interest at the tasteless killing your ex-girlfriend joke...

Yes, god forbid a blog post has any humor to insult puritan values...

Would you have preferred a joke about killing an ex-boyfriend?

these articles are what happens when a 24 year old peon engineer criticizes the industry accepted best practices of the time as determined by veteran architects with eight times the experience

edit to add some anecdotes: scalac and javac are written by the same person. The founder of Relevance, the company that funds Clojure development, wrote a book in 2006 about spring and hibernate.

Interesting perspective! Ignoring the funny-but-silly analogy itself, it seems that at the time of the article, the industry accepted best practices as determined by veteran architects with eight times the experience were bad for a lot of the software being made using them. I'm all for deference to experience, but I think there is sometimes a dangerous temptation for experience to believe it is right because of its experience, rather than to use its experience to be right.

Just so nobody gets confused by this comment, Joel was 40 when he wrote this, and was the program manager for Excel in the early '90s (> 10 years before this was published). So just to clarify, this was not written by a 24-year-old "peon engineer". I don't necessarily agree with what he wrote, but he does use capitalization and punctuation, so he's got that going for him.

Now I'm confused - I thought Benji Smith wrote this?

Here's the problem with frameworks: unnecessary complexity. Or YAGNI, as some may call it. This complexity leads to lots of incorrect assumptions about internal workings of the system and therefore bugs and security holes.

Were you hammered when you wrote this?

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