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Unless I wrote my resume in html and css and hosted it using Github pages, which I did. #winning

I also did that and I got a job with it too. Fancy that.

Any chance either of you could link? I've done it too but i was never completely happy with the result and it would be nice to see how other people have done it for some inspiration.


I created a basic portfolio to share on GitHub. I'd like to see more developers do that. It's quite easy to do with markdown and GitHub Pages.

Yeah, i prefer that approach but i find that a lot of recruiters still insist on a resume despite having linkedin. Thanks for the link and inspiration though!


This one isn't updated for mobile, but it does print nicely.

Nice. I hadn't come across box-shadow before - useful to know. One issue I noticed is that the border-bottom:2em isn't working - there is zero border in chrome, safari and ff. Perhaps you need "bottom:2em" or something? Sometimes css drives me insane fiddling about trying to fix shit like this :)

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