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How to: add features to Firefox with Mozilla's new Jetpack (arstechnica.com)
23 points by soundsop on May 25, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

For someone who has played with this, is the DOM manipulating similar (or more/less powerful) to Greasemonkey?

Jetpack is cool, really cool. All browsers should allow plain javascript/html web extensions. I hope it gets standardized by the W3C in the future.

What I don't like is web pages asking me to install them when I visit them.

There should be just a link to the extension, like old xpi. A link, not a popup. If you want, you can use JSX as the entension and instruct the browser to behave accordingly.

Mozilla, please get rid of the extension installer pop up and the {link rel="jetpack" href="myextension.js"} non-standard aberration.

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