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Another question for you:

Sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly did your work as an investment banker consist of? I see below that you mention "cranking out loads of monotonous pitch books that didn't require too much mental energy". Is there any reason work like this couldn't be delegated to a separate person? I guess my larger question is whether or not the 50+ hours of work you needed to do could trivially be split across multiple people, and if these people would have to be highly skilled.

I'm asking this because it seems to me that a lot of investment banking falls into either building models (could you clarify exactly what that means in the i-banking context) or making presentations to clients/other investment bankers. I could imagine these 2 things being split up in a way similar to what product managers and software engineers often do.

Some of that work is being offshored to India, but I there is an advantage of being able to scribble directly on something in front of someone to explain the changes you want made.

Do the math on salaries vs. hours worked and you have your answer.

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