In that case, a couple of extensions of that which I use constantly:
cf" is change find "
But, since this is a grammar, there are other things than c we can use like d (delete find ") or y (yank find "). More than this we can swap out f. Instead of f, try i, which I think of as "inside".
So ci" deletes the text inside quotes and leaves you in insert mode. ci) deletes the text inside parentheses and leaves you in insert mode.
For example
foobar[somekeyvar] = "wooyay"
move to somekeyvar and ci] then type "anotherkey"
foobar[anotherkey] = "wooyay"
cf" is change find "
But, since this is a grammar, there are other things than c we can use like d (delete find ") or y (yank find "). More than this we can swap out f. Instead of f, try i, which I think of as "inside".
So ci" deletes the text inside quotes and leaves you in insert mode. ci) deletes the text inside parentheses and leaves you in insert mode.
For example
I use this constantly while programming.