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This guy make fun of it in his flash games (progress bars go forward then backward) http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/

Brings lots of memories, I used to make flash games in school when I was 15. I always liked those little games. /nostalgia

What have you done...now I'm going to play Winterbells for the rest of the afternoon.

Anddddd there goes my day. Winterbells.

Today I learned that Winterbells is now available on iPhone. What has the world come to?

There aren't JS games close to this yet, right?

Apart from the art, is there any reason you couldn't do this in JS/HTML5?

Is HTML5 audio available on all browsers yet? I remember for Cut the Rope that they claimed that HTML5 audio for games only worked in IE, and that for whatever reason Firefox/Chrome/Safari didn't work quite right and needed a Flash stub.

In theory, yes. But my research indicates that you don't see smooth games like that yet.

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