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I wonder if the site will after time start offering (1) premium memberships to the tune of poker training sites to access the best/newest videos and/or (2) 1 on 1 coaching sessions with the coaches for $X00/hour, and the site gets a cut.

ex: http://www.cardrunners.com/ http://www.deucescracked.com/ http://www.bluefirepoker.com/

Alternately I'd be excited to see a new business model for this kind of game training site.

Poker is definitely an easier sell for that business model, since you can make money immediately by improving your poker game. Since chess doesn't have nearly the luck component, making money by gambling on chess is much more difficult, making the video lessons market a bit less lucrative than the poker sites (who I believe generally made decent $).

Definitely some possibilities though! Makes me want to try and actually get decent at chess, but it's so much work...

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