What happens if p2p systems start requiring proof that a new peer violated some copyright (that copyrighted work can be something explicitly created for that purpose - a guy's family pictures, anything)...
I'm pretty sure the technical side of managing the proofs, verifying them etc. is feasible, if not trivial. Wondering about the legal ramifications, would love to hear your opinions.
This is a great idea, it would make it impossible for any nongovernment entity to gather up lists of users to sue without opening themselves up to a lawsuit.
I had a similar idea that before receiving any torrent data each peer would have to send a message like:
As an agent of the copyright holder of works represented in aaaaa.avi, the user at [ip address] is working under my supervision and is authorized to distribute and reproduce the works contained in aaaaa.avi.
What happens if p2p systems start requiring proof that a new peer violated some copyright (that copyrighted work can be something explicitly created for that purpose - a guy's family pictures, anything)...
I'm pretty sure the technical side of managing the proofs, verifying them etc. is feasible, if not trivial. Wondering about the legal ramifications, would love to hear your opinions.