Do you honestly believe that people with a fatal illness, dealing with people offering a "cure" for that fatal illness, are free to make a rational choice?
You have cancer. You are going to die. Having a terminal illness changes the risk/reward beyond the bounds that most people can imagine. Even so, it seems that most people can make a reasonable decision, as long as the worst of the snake-oil peddlers are kept out. Here are your choices.
Do nothing. Make your time. You are going to die pretty soon. Try to make yourself and your family comfortable.
Take what treatment your insurer allows. You die more slowly, with a small chance of remission, but also with a small chance that the treatment will kill you sooner. Maybe your won't consume your family's assets.
Take what treatment you can afford. Die even more slowly (probably), with a small (but probably better) chance of remission, but also with a small chance that the treatment will kill you sooner. You may consume all your assets, and or incur huge debt/bankrupt your family.
Get yourself into an experimental trial. There is some chance that you will be in the control group (if one is used) in which case, you will die. There is some chance to suffer some adverse reaction in which case, you may be removed from the trial, back to step 1. There is some chance to suffer some catastrophic adverse reaction, in which case you will die, and if you are unlucky the death will be worse than death by cancer/chemo. There is some remote chance the treatment will work as good or marginally better than existing treatments, you win, congratulations. There is some very extremely remote chance the treatment will work amazingly (as in fairy-tale amazing) well, epic win. It may cost little or nothing, but who cares what it cost, you're alive and you just helped save the lives of many others.
Do you honestly believe that people with a fatal illness, dealing with people offering a "cure" for that fatal illness, are free to make a rational choice?