Congratulations to the author and he does do a good job of negating the horse I'm about to beat to death, within the article itself.
Unfortunately, most people will just read the title of the post; which I wish the author would have spoken more about how awesome their domain knowledge is (or whatever factor he felt really led to their funding) as _most_ can't just walk up with just a story and land this type of money.
The catch-22 about the title is that it gives people hope, when they should not have any hope, if they think they can replicate his funding story easily.
I appreciate the reply! I guess my only sad face was bc I used to run a tech accelerator and I have seen how pervasive the title of your post actually is. That is, people just think that with an idea and a team then the money will come pouring in.
I think it would be good to have a follow on post with something that spoke to a) what key domain knowledge gave you a leg up b) what terms you got that let the investors feeling confident you would deliver without a product at the moment c) something that is repeatable to other founders.
To me, and I may be misguided, but it read more like a lottery-ticket funding rather than the hard work that and network that you had which shows your grind!
Just my two cents! Great read and congratulations again!
> people just think that with an idea and a team then the money will come pouring in.
If anyone thinks this, email me and I'll tell how much it's not the case. It was really hard. We got rejected A LOT. Like most companies. That said (and going back to the point I didn't make very well), every company is different. Don't let one person's experiences box you in.
Unfortunately, most people will just read the title of the post; which I wish the author would have spoken more about how awesome their domain knowledge is (or whatever factor he felt really led to their funding) as _most_ can't just walk up with just a story and land this type of money.
The catch-22 about the title is that it gives people hope, when they should not have any hope, if they think they can replicate his funding story easily.