in this day and age, if i had to create a command line app, from zero, i would definetly start with go.. it has all the functionality in standard libs and the package manager can handle github repos for third-parties (like mongo or mysql drivers).. you just compile it and go!
can be as simple than that? the right tool for the job..
if i would create a library that everyone could use and embed i would use C for that..
if i would like to build a VM, a compiler, a browser or a OS i would use c++ (is almost c, fast and gives you easy composability and control)
i would use javascript.. but only in the browser and because and dont have nowhere to go or to runaway for.. (no transpiling either please)
this is just the general experience of my years of coding and deling with every lang in the earth.. rsrs
ruby is pretty, eyecandy, bu is like a virgen that cant be touched.. python looks just like perl.. is a complete mess, and is like the mafia,i prefer not to touch or to have any involvement with them.. java is the frankenstein child of c++.. you can create big software with it.. but to many keywords and excessive use of vtables..
and for ui and web, network, etc.. i would use something like dart for this job, any day.. the code can grow and you can still understand your code
so these days i would use c, c++, go or dart.. in the case i can choose of course.. :)
In this day and age, drumming off single-sentence dismissals of major languages does not lend one much credibility.
The diversity of programming languages is due in part to the fact that developers enjoy looking at old problems from new angles. Doing so lets us to make creative re-use of libraries and practices that were invented to solve disparate problems, and good things invariably result.
Node.js is a staggering example, but every language you mentioned has its strengths.
im completelly aware that this is very subjective matter, and by saying touching language options, a lot of people would get offended..
experimentation is good! it make us have more of the good ideas.. sure! go and create a command line application in node.. nobody will forbid you to do that, its not a sin..
i would do it.. but theres a difference between whats fun and what works.. one thing i take my hat of for all dinamic languages like ruby, javascript and even python, is that they want to make the experience of creating software fun, and more pleaseant.. this is cool
but the answer its in the balance, thats something i respect about go and dart.. the idea to mix fun and pragmatism so we can have both.. maybe better things can come in the future.. and we should all thank dinamic language for that..
javascript did not achieve the nirvana yet.. its like a duck.. it can walk? sure. it can fly? sure. it can swim? yes.. but can do it good any of those things? nop
A package manager with no concept of package versioning, unlike every other major languages' managers.
This is a complete deal breaker for some / many (choose as appropriate).
The idea of "Just track original master or make your own fork if you want a specific version" is insane when all the others seem to be able to do dependency resolution.
> ruby is pretty, eyecandy, bu is like a virgen that cant be touched
Which, even compared to the dismissals of the other languages, makes no sense.
can be as simple than that? the right tool for the job..
if i would create a library that everyone could use and embed i would use C for that..
if i would like to build a VM, a compiler, a browser or a OS i would use c++ (is almost c, fast and gives you easy composability and control)
i would use javascript.. but only in the browser and because and dont have nowhere to go or to runaway for.. (no transpiling either please)
this is just the general experience of my years of coding and deling with every lang in the earth.. rsrs
ruby is pretty, eyecandy, bu is like a virgen that cant be touched.. python looks just like perl.. is a complete mess, and is like the mafia,i prefer not to touch or to have any involvement with them.. java is the frankenstein child of c++.. you can create big software with it.. but to many keywords and excessive use of vtables..
and for ui and web, network, etc.. i would use something like dart for this job, any day.. the code can grow and you can still understand your code
so these days i would use c, c++, go or dart.. in the case i can choose of course.. :)