Could be wrong, but I think most of these patent trolls are wrapped up in an endless series of shell companies... so going after them simply isn't worth the effort.
I'd take it personally and go after the individuals.. even the lawyers know who is paying them. We're dealing with a set of individuals that are harrassing the entrepreneurial community... and have never IPO'ed anything or have any customers to vouch for their character. They may have patents, but no products, and they are harrassing those creating products and getting customers. If I got a patent troll on my back, I would find a bunch of their other prior targets and get a petition from all our customers, and ..... do what's right. Maybe obtain some punitive damages. They're not acting in the spirit of the law, rather the spirit of the cockroach. One could even conceive of a reverse troll, creating a honeypot company to attract the trolls, and then to counterstrike.