* HEIGHT is the float value of the height in meters, i.e. "1.23"
In the HTTP response, you get a data structure (not sure which encoding it is, but it is straightforward) of the highscore data:
[[["1.","LIATO","44.19m"],["2.","ROYBOY_91","43.16m"],["3.","YAIR40","35.12m"],["4.","GABRIEL","34.70m"],["5.","KAI","31.10m"],["6.","KAFAC99","21.06m"],["7.","JOSH","20.37m"],["8.","KEANSKI","17.61m"],["9.","EKREM6363","16.10m"],["10.","LORENZO","12.24m"],["2047.","MY BEST TRY","0.71m"],], ...
How exactly do you prevent something like this? How do you ensure that the stats sent over the internet are coming from an actual approved client?
My instinct tells me the simplest solution would be security by obscurity - adding some validation token that the client generates by some obscure and hard to reverse engineer manner. Is there any better way to 'validate' your client?
> Use SSL for the requests which makes it harder to sniff the API.
Won't help - it's trivial to setup a proxy to MITM the traffic.
> Use a specific User Agent string and check for that.
Won't help - it's easy to manipulate a User-Agent. Assuming you're manually creating the GET request (via cURL or other means), then it's only one more option to bypass this.
> Provide no error messages if any of the above fails.
Will make debugging a pain. Also, if I'm an attacker, I'm going to try and clone the request as best as I can the first time, then see what I can get away with.
> Add some sort of tamper token like you suggest.
This is the best option. Not quite sure the best way to implement it, but perhaps some sort of CAPTCHA (this would be a pain), or some kind of random request id, etc. might work.
I would add to that: use a self-signed cert for the SSL. If you rely on the OS's PKI its relatively easy for an attacker to add their own CA and read the connection.
Set up a proxy setup pointed to a squid or whatnot that logs request. Use tcpdump on the router. If you have a rooted Android device you can use tcpdump there, or instrument the HTTP framework code to log requests, or...
But assuming you have control of your home network and aren't just using a Linksys thing out of the box, just logging into the router and watching traffic is by far the most straightforward.
It really bothers me that Apple banned an app like this. Just allow people to be idiotic. There's even a disclaimer after all...
As for the app itself, cool! I'm glad somebody had the audacity to ship something as outrageous as this. I don't think it will get much of a following, but I suppose if you really don't care about your phone or you're really confident in catching this could be a cool, reckless waste of 10 minutes.
EDIT: For clarification, I don't really side with or against Apple in general on things, so this isn't meant to be a "Apple's always a walled garden, BAH" post, etc...I just really feel any company should let users feel free to destroy hardware. But I understand that might not be the best philosophy to run a multinational company.
EDIT2: Just thought of a way to game this after reading another comment - slap on a Lifeproof case, go in a big pool shallow enough to stand, throw it really high. Eliminates the need to catch it (within...reason...).
Perhaps I didn't explain myself - I'm not saying the rule isn't transparent, I understand very well there's an actual rule. My complaint is that it's there at all.
Although, what you said about warranties makes sense...however honestly that hasn't kept friends of mine from deliberately breaking their phones just to get new ones.
Sure. Not that it helped any. Interestingly, it's more my "untechnical" friends - exclusively those, actually. The technical ones are somewhat invested in technology news and wouldn't do that because they understand a lot more of the process. On the other hand, those that are dishonest in this way, in my experience, know nothing about the tech of Apple except that it's, well, new and shiny.
As for myself, my iPhone 4 is half-broken and I'm still eeking out whatever life I can get from it before I get the iPhone 6 in the Fall.
Perhaps it is worth more to Apple that a user can download apps and continue the "iPhone lifestyle" than worry about how to fix their device. I personally think that it is not a conflict of interest.
Apple should ban this app. The amount of support it is going to eat up not to mention the headlines the tech press is going to write are not worth it. Selling an app that is basically designed to break the phone is just a really bad idea.
Bad idea, perhaps. But why should Apple get to determine what is or isn't a bad idea for one to do with their own phone? (Although I would suspect part of the reason they banned it is to avoid claims of "Apple's so greedy that while they ban so many legitimately useful apps they allowed this one, just because it can break phones resulting in added profits for them from people buying replacement phones".)
Because, Apple is warranty liable for selling an app that basically get you to break your phone either via current replacement plans or the expected lawsuit. This is a money loser and a problem for parents.
Yes, I read the article and knew they banned the app before leaving my comment. I agree with their position and further added why. Should is often used as an agreement with an already taken position.
When friends ask which smartphone to get, I often recommend the iPhone, despite being a long time Android user and fan.
The reason is that Apple has a very generous straight replacement policy (at a fraction of the retail new price) even if you don't subscribe to any of their care plans. This is a world different from makers like HTC and Samsung who fully intend to double dip if you have an issue with your device, where a replacement of a broken device costs 100% of its original price (meaning you are paying again for marketing, R&D, profit, markup, etc). I have faced exactly this twice (both with Samsung), once where they claimed nebulous, unproven corrosion damage on a device that had never touched water, and had all clear water sensors. As a user there is nothing I can do to contest this, their warranty being effectively useless through no negligence of mine. They nicely offered to fix it for just over a thousand dollars.
Samsung and HTC and others want you to bust your device. Apple doesn't, because they have a stake in it as well, making no profit from your own misadventure.
My other half dropped her phone recently and was utterly distraught. Neither of us realised just how insanely favourable the like for like replacement deal was, and were unsurprisingly hugely complimentary about Apple afterwards.
I cannot overstate how helpful and efficient the staff were and the process was just so quick and simple. If (mildly idiotic) apps like this being banned are the price of that piece of mind? I pay it gladly.
Agreed. The screen my girlfriends iPad broke edge to edge, so I decided to bite the bullet and go pay to have it replaced. Took it to the Apple store, he looks at it for a second and runs into the back. Hands me a new one(refurb?) and (after verifying that I backed up already) says "You're all set! Have a good day". I was pleasantly surprised, and looked like an awesome boyfriend.
I hope they have a standing connection to the server during the throw and detect ... disconnects. That way, they could detect crashes and give approximate credit for the height.
I don't want to throw my phone high into the air, watch it go to pieces and not even get a high score.
>"I don't want to throw my phone high into the air, watch it go to pieces and not even get a high score."
I'd think that would defeat the purpose of the "...and catch it!" step.
If anything, I'd want such an app to record video or perhaps fire the camera for a still the peak. I'm thinking that would a be huge plus to the idiotic entertainment potential, like a less inane Vine and a slight deterrent from the inevitable result spoofing.
they should multiply the height with the current market price for the phone you used. so you have to keep throwing to stay in the charts as your model devalues.
Pah. That's nothing. I have an app idea called 'iSkip', where you skim your phone over the water and your phone sends back how many hops it did as it's last act.
Don't fool people, there is no such thing, but there is something cooler called "the skipping movement". A real skipping app would be much more brilliant:
I wonder how smart "throw" detection is. Could I strap it to a two-stage model rocket with a couple of D class motors? Or are you limited to a single impulse event, in which case I've got a couple unfired air bags kicking around.
There's a phone recycling bin here at school; I'm tempted to grab a few old android phones and see if I can get one working well enough to try it out.
Nope, because phones don't have altitude detection. The only thing it can go by is accelerometer data, and you can infer what that data should look like using high school physics. They probably measure the duration of "weightlessness" (freefall), and maybe also check that there are large enough spikes of acceleration at beginning and end, although those will be mostly outside the range of the accelerometer. You can probably fool it by throwing it from some high point (bridge, building) and have someone catch it at the bottom.
Also, see their Facebook. They publicly post GPS location of winners, together with StreetView. Is that stated in the app? It can be a privacy concern.
com.carrotpop.www.smth E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requested provider gps doesn't exisit
at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1429)
at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1379)
at android.location.ILocationManager$Stub$Proxy.requestLocationUpdates(ILocationManager.java:646)
at android.location.LocationManager._requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.java:660)
at android.location.LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.java:482)
at com.ansca.corona.CoronaSensorManager$1.run(CoronaSensorManager.java:163)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:615)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4745)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:786)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:553)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
man, you've tried it with tablet! How big your tablet is? I think they should appropriately rescale scores for the weight and aerodynamics of the object being thrown.
aerodynamic is calculatable from deceleration which is sum of gravitational "g" plus aerodynamic "Cx" multiplied by square proportional to the speed. The weight is known for a given model of device.
I remember working on a similar, though slightly less destructive, app. I had a first or second generation iPod touch and it's back was curved so that you could spin it on a flat surface. I collected lots of accelerometer data and wrote the algorithm to figure out how long and fast the device had been spinning. Unfortunately, the next generation of devices came out with a flat back so I shelved the idea.
For the iOS crowd: here is a similar game my friends and I built at a Hackathon last week with Node and Socket.io that you can play from mobile Safari: http://phonesma.sh/
Visit it on your browser to get started, then on your iPhone to play (App is not tuned for Android accelerometer data yet).
We did a team-building activity a few years ago that included creating catapults and launching water balls 50-100 feet. One group made a trebuchet-style device that threw the payload so consistently that the team members could catch the payload. One team member decided he wanted to video it, and had the team launch his smartphone. He caught it, but then dropped it to the grass-covered ground.
I imagine the strong horizontal acceleration and in-flight rotation of the phone may "throw off" (heh) the height calculation, but it likely would have earned an impressive score.
Look at this app:
It shows comics from the German nichtlustig.de
In the appstore you can see some screenshots, also of the included 4 panel instructions: It visualizes the 4 operations to be done with the app: forward/backward, mark as favourite, random cartoon and destruction.
For all those sad iPhone users out there who really want to break their phone, I threw together http://jsfiddle.net/2Kxzv/2/show/. The interface is primitive, and all it tells you is the time that the phone was in the air (and possibly not even that, if the phone spins at all).
My high score is 604, and I think I want to stop playing this game.
The current high score is 43.16m - I wonder if somebody found a way to cheat, or if they really really do not care about the wellbeing of their smartphone.
Put together a baseball with an accelerometer, a small digital display and maybe bluetooth as well.
Sell it to schools and individual athletes as a training device. You pitch and it tells you what the speed of the last pitch was. Connect it up to a computer and it will give you a graph of the velocity over time, allow you to track improvements in pitching and track users.
Been around for years. I remember playing with one as a kid. The ones I've used haven't been too accurate or consistent, however. Amazon reviews indicate that not much has changed.
So a friend of mine interned at this small company nearly 3 years ago, and made this app over his summer: http://iphonehangtime.com
On my mobile device so couldn't really look through the comments to see if someone already mentioned hang time, but I'll just leave it here.
A simpler and safer version of this would be something where you spin your phone and catch it right-side-up. Scoring could be done by counting the number of times this was done successfully in a row without catching it the wrong way or dropping it, or double-triple spins etc. I do this for fun all the time. So far, no drops on concrete.
I wonder how this app works: Obviously it must transmit the highscore quickly enough before the phone shatters. I hope it opens and warms up a connection before you throw it. Maybe it can constantly transmit the height and falling time/speed up until the last second of life of the phone
If the app is indeed able to have a fairly accurate height value, it just needs the turning point height in order to calculate speed, duration of fall, and the (more or lees) exact time of impact. So it could transmit the value whenever it detects that the phone has stopped moving upwards.
You're not going to get the turning point from accelerometer data, as the phone is in free fall the whole time. The non-zero acceleration will be on takeoff & landing (or launch & catch, or impact...).
The Kinect has an accelerometer (to help it sense tilt, and find the floor normal).
I wanted a gaming achievement: "30 seconds in free fall". With a follow-up five minutes. The first one you might get using the Vomit Comet. The second probably requires significantly more expenditure.
Well, looking at the "World top 10" high scores (on app), the top one has a record of 43.16m. I cannot imagine why someone would threw a cellphone to this far.
I wonder if there is a way to "hack" the accelerometer...
In addition to "why someone would throw a phone that far"... that height of 43 m is impressive, since it (neglecting any force except gravity) requires an object to be thrown vertically at around 29 m/s to stay in the air for almost 9 seconds. 29 m/s is over 104 km/h... but throwing things upwards is not that easy.
That top score should be the result of manipulating the sensors or the data sent to the server. [edit: ... or measuring some other action than throwing the phone]
Drop it from a great height? It's probably just measuring the flight time, by measuring the time for which the accelerometer reads zero. Infinite points if you can get your phone into orbit!
I'm not so much concerned with the why, but more... how? 43m straight up is a pretty tall throw, I'm picturing water balloon slingshots or something...
I remember a piece of advice for taking original photos is to set the timer then throw it in the air. I would love to try it but no one will let me borrow their camera.
You just need to HTTP GET the following URL:
* UID looks like an autoincrement ID* NICK is what you entered for the highscore
* HEIGHT is the float value of the height in meters, i.e. "1.23"
In the HTTP response, you get a data structure (not sure which encoding it is, but it is straightforward) of the highscore data:
Edit: just opening the URL http://www.carrotpop.com/smth/php/save_result.php you can see the current stats, encoded as above.