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Putting it on eBay also exposes it to a larger and more liquid marketplace.

    When Walker put the objects, along with their accompanying
    stories, up for sale on eBay...the value of the objects
    rose 2,700%...A miniature jar of mayonnaise he had
    purchased for less than a dollar sold for $51.00. A cracked
    ceramic horse head purchased for $1.29 sold for $46.00.
A larger, more liquid marketplace doesn't account for a miniature jar of mayo selling for $51.

It's more likely you'll encounter miniature jar of mayo enthusiasts on eBay than it is that a bunch of them will by chance be at your garage sale.

This would account for at least part of the difference. The other part can be accounted for by saying Barack O'Bama autographed the jar.

Also factor in shipping costs, which usually justify an increased price of around $10.

An author trying to make a living needs more than $50. Did Walked really take into account the true cost of goods sold?

Of course, if nobody knows you're doing it, you can sell more than one $51 jar of mayo.

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