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Node.js Deployments with Docker, Dokku, and Digital Ocean (medium.com/code-adventures)
84 points by dscape on Aug 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Great article, a couple of comments:

  root@dinospace: wget -qO- \
  https://raw.github.com/progrium/dokku/master/bootstrap.sh \
  | sudo bash
First, if you're already logged in as root, there is no[1] need for sudo. Secondly, I know this is how dokku recommends installing, but a) running wget as root probably isn't the best idea, and b) pulling down a shell script and running it as root is a really bad idea. At least download the script and check that you're running what you think you're doing (in fact, you'll see that the script is just a short list of things, few of which needs to be run as root).

  ana@local: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | \
  ssh root@dinosaurspaceships.org \
  “sudo gitreceive upload-key username”
Same thing - either give your regular user sudo privileges (and prepare to have to enter your password, unless you specify to not need one -- in which case that should be limited to eg the gitrecieve command) -- or just drop the sudo.

I think docker is a great project, but I would like to see more support for running it under different user(s) than root. Looks like I'm not the only one:

[1] sudo does some logging, but that is mainly helpful when it can log a "useful" user name, not "root" -- ie: you can see who broke the server, if more than one person has sudo access.

>Docker powered mini-Heroku in less than 100 lines of Bash

Can I use this to deploy Rails application like I do on Heroku, or is it Nodejs only at the moment?

I'm currently in a limbo between WebFaction (VPS with some configuration hand holding) and DigitalOcean (you're on your own).

I'm just making the same transition (except to Linode as I'm not ready to trust DigitalOcean with production sites)

May I ask why you're moving away from Webfaction?

I'm moving away from WebFaction because I'm afraid of the hand holding limiting my growth when my website hits more users. Why are you moving away from WebFaction?

I have multiple accounts on multiple servers. A few of those servers began to suffer from a little bit too much downtime and I didn't get a satisfactory response from Webfaction.

Does it feel like Docker is picking up some steam right now? I like the concept but am still wondering if Docker is a better approach than going straight to the machine. How necessary is the 1GB droplet (vs 512mb)?

You should be able to run with just 512 MB, as long as your app can do with that. Docker itself as a tiny footprint, and containers have almost zero overhead :-)

Great read. I could see incorporating this into my stack... In any case, I was happy to learn about each of the tools/projects mentioned within - especially stoked about Docker!

This is awesome. These are four technologies that I'm currently learning - good timing.

Does that mean Ubuntu on DigitalOcean has Docker support out of the box?

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