BTW: Freedom of speech does not have to be gratis. If you want freedom of speech, buy your own server and migrate over to it there. But as long as moot is funding 4chan and /b/ culture, I'm going to have to say that he's part of the problem.
I get it, total freedom of speech leads to /b/, jailbait, and creepshots. Total freedom of speech allows people to get together and perform dox operations. And you're cool with that? Frankly, I'm not.
I'm not cool with online witch-hunts. Reddit is perfectly happy to criticize Carmen Ortiz for "wrongfully" prosecuting Aaron Swartz... but they are perfectly fine with Sunil Tripathi (probably) committing suicide over the online witchhunt taken place over his name during the Boston Bombing event. Or maybe the legions and legions of hateful and hurtful memes... such as "An Hero" that fester on those boards.
Some speech is harmful, and we should work together in removing harmful speech. I fully understand that this runs counter to 4chan (especially /b/) and Reddit culture... but enough is enough. At some point, someone needs to take responsibility for the development of the website's culture. If it isn't the webmaster who is _funding_ the operation, then who?
You only say that because 4chan makes you feel uncomfortable, and because of it, you feel that the website should change to make you feel better.
Not going to happen, but at least you're free to visit websites where you can block anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, right?