Where are you hosting it? From your home connection?
For anyone interested, there are several[1] provider that provide free or cheap raspberry pi colocation. I'm almost sure that they wouldn't have a problem colocating a cubieboard (or similiar) if you shot them an email.
Regarding performance, I'm sure a raspberry (which is less powerful thana cubieboard) is more than enough to serve static pages, and even dynamic pages if your site doesn't get a lot of hits.
Wow I had no idea about colocation - seems pretty cool!
Yeah I'm hosting it from a home connection, and it's hosting dynamic content - even though it could just be made static I wanted to test it - using php and hitting redis - looks like it works pretty well!
For anyone interested, there are several[1] provider that provide free or cheap raspberry pi colocation. I'm almost sure that they wouldn't have a problem colocating a cubieboard (or similiar) if you shot them an email.
Regarding performance, I'm sure a raspberry (which is less powerful thana cubieboard) is more than enough to serve static pages, and even dynamic pages if your site doesn't get a lot of hits.
[1] http://raspberrycolocation.com/, http://www.micron21.com/raspberrypi-colocation.php, http://www.edis.at/en/server/colocation/austria/raspberrypi/, https://www.google.com/search?q=raspberry+pi+colocating