> everyone who is wealthy enough to live off their investment portfolio ... trust-fund kids ... artists and musicians and writers who make their money off royalties.
The people you listed make up less than 1% of the population (unlikely by definition). As for people living off disability and SSI (social security income) checks, that only affords an average livelihood (or below).
The middle class mental block is how an economy can function if everyone (or most people) were to live from passive income. It is well understood that most "financially independent" had their good fortune through inheritance.
The people you listed make up less than 1% of the population (unlikely by definition). As for people living off disability and SSI (social security income) checks, that only affords an average livelihood (or below).
The middle class mental block is how an economy can function if everyone (or most people) were to live from passive income. It is well understood that most "financially independent" had their good fortune through inheritance.