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You shouldn't hotlink someone else's JavaScript (whatispolymath.com)
210 points by jsnk on July 26, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 96 comments

And that's a pretty mild example of what could happen if you did. Hotlinking javascript is an excellent way to allow someone else to pull all kinds of tricks with your visitors and your image. For example, redirecting all your traffic to a shocksite.

Every time you include some externally hosted javascript you open yourself and your visitors to a security risk. And on top of that, if you do it like this you're stealing bandwidth.

When including remotely hosted javascript make sure you have permission, make sure the other party is trustworthy and periodically review the linked script to make sure it does what is advertised (and that's imperfect, it could be you're seeing something else than other visitors).

I've wondered in the past why there isn't something like:

    <script src="https://elsewhere.example.com" digest="<SHA-$foo>" />
that refuses to load the referenced script unless it matches the specified digest/signature.

Using anything from sources you don't trust is a bad idea, but even trustworthy partners can be exploited to attack your site as well.

It would mean coordinating updates of the digest to all referencing sites though, which might make it practically impossible.

"It would mean coordinating updates of the digest to all referencing sites though, which might make it practically impossible."

You just put the version number in the name somewhere and make deployments immutable. Otherwise you have everything you need for that already, technically, though you might want to add a fallback to a local clone of the resource or something so it isn't just a failure.

it wouldn't be all that hard to implement this yourself if you're willing to load script dynamically. you'd have to maintain your own digest list.

The security risk is precisely why a lot of new services provide embeddable content via iframes now, rather than JS. On the other hand, this still isn't perfect - we wrote about it today, actually: https://www.tinfoilsecurity.com/blog/protect-your-website-fr...

As long as you host the JavaScript yourself this shouldn't be a problem. Why would it? Iframes suck.

Iframes do suck. However, success of a whole crop of companies like Disqus depends on it sucking less. I am sure this is a known issue for these companies.

It's only not a problem if you audit every single line of JS you host yourself. Most companies and people don't.

The standard pattern is never use external dependencies directly, but to keep copies and host them on your CDN.

That way, you can run them through the ol' asset pipeline too... minifiers and possibly serve them straight from gzips.

Gotta always remind ppl of https://developers.google.com/speed/ ... the OP scores 47 (out of 100)

The standard pattern is never use external dependencies directly, but to keep copies and host them on your CDN.

For dependencies you can control, it's obviously best to keep a local or CDN copy. However this trend of embedding js from all over the web is encouraged by the pattern that most of the big sites allowing you to embed content use:

e.g. https://developers.google.com/+/web/badge/

Google, Twitter, FaceBook all want you to embed js hosted on their servers in your page in order to interact with their site, even if all that script does is then insert an iframe into the page. By including a button or widget like the one above you're trusting them not to take over your site in a manner similar to this example, track your users surreptitiously, or be compromised now or in the future.

One thing that will happen is that domains that get abandoned that used to host benign js will get taken over by the jerks. That's very hard to protect against, and with the rate at which start-ups encourage people to embed their tags I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been a significant incident like that.

Good point. I imagine you could make a pretty penny by hijacking credit card detail entry forms.

To evade detection you can even have the hijacking code only included on pages that actually collect credit card info.

Or only serve it to 10% of requests, making it a heisenbug for the site owner attempting to track it down. :D

Interesting, Google has added more stuff to the speed test. My site has gone DOWN by 4 points since I last tested it due to failing some new tests.

Really great service by Google in general. I've managed to improve page loading times by 25%, cut number of connections in half (I merged all images into one unified file and then use CSS to display the relevant sub-sections), and reduce the total size of my page by over 10%.

I didn't even know that existed. After checking my site it's just a reminder how little I know.

Screenshot for potential future confused HNers when Polymath realizes it and uses a real CDN: http://i.imgur.com/A8JzHtK.png

Thank you. At first, I didn't see anything of interest and briefly wondered why I was at a site that had nothing to do with the HN subject.

It hit me that the submission was to a demonstration rather than an article, so I temporarily instructed Noscript to allow all domains used by the page. Sure enough, now the banner appeared.

But that speaks to another reason to not use too many scripts hosted by third-parties. It makes for a very cluttered list of domains for users of Noscript and similar to authorize. I just leave sites that have more than a small number. How many third-party analytics, tracking, tools, social sharing, voting, polling, comments, shopping, deals, and other tools do you really need to embed to make a web site these days?

I love when the list is just domain.foo and domain-static.foo and maybe google-analytics or another mainstream analytics domain.

Don't forget that sometimes you need to allow the site's CDN domain as well.

The problem with Noscript is that it doesn't seem to differentiate between allowing a domain when it's actually a site you're visiting (say, facebook.com) and when it's a domain that a completely different site is trying to load content from. A straight whitelist is too "dumb" for today's web.

google analytics is a definitive no-no. permabanned here and one of the reasons I run noscript and its kind in my browsers.

Not that I mind webmasters running analytics tools, but I'm concerned with google having access to too much personal data/metadata, those privacy issues are bad.

Just use piwik or something.

Thank you chewxy! Was wondering what was going on :)

>We noticed that you're using Internet Explorer. Polymath currently does not support this browser because compatibility issues prevent us from delivering an ideal experience. We're working on fixing these issues.

People do realise that some company networks give you no control over which browser you can use right? I can't understand what feature they would need which is missing from IE10. Why not use feature detection? We've moved on from browser detection...

I think that's just code for "we don't want to spend the time and effort to properly test and debug our application on IE at this time, and we really don't want to get barraged with IE support requests either".

Sure, I don't mind if bits don't work, if I miss out on some WebGL stuff or similar.

But to just put up a big fuck you, to what is the second most popular or most popular browser as a whole isn't helpful. It reminds me of people using Java Applets for navigation in their frames webpage.... Actually I did that once, I was however 11, and this thing had a spinny thing.

Sure, do cool stuff that requires features which some browsers miss, use feature detection to flag that.

> Sure, do cool stuff that requires features which some browsers miss, use feature detection to flag that.

To be fair, graceful degradation is still a ton of work. It's fine if you're using neat-o features for superficial things (round ALL the corners!). However when you decide to rely on newer tech for more core site features, it means you wind up having to code, and test, twice. Once for the real features in the preferred environment, and once for the degraded features in the non-preferred environment.

If you don't have the resources but you still want to use the stuff with limited support, I think it's polite to include a "hey, we don't test for your configuration so feel free to give us a try, but we apologize if things don't work correctly" banner. I think it's also polite to warn your users where you know things are just painfully broken. "The experience is bad here for users with your configuration."

> But to just put up a big fuck you, to what is the second most popular or most popular browser as a whole isn't helpful.

I'm glad you said this. I think you're stepping out from a trend/trope, which is to make fun of IE, to recognize the more nuanced reality of the situation.

Over the last few months, I've encountered some surprises. One is that although Firefox seems to be a memory hog, it's very reliable at this point. I didn't set out to like Firefox, but now I trust it as much as the old Netscape.

Another is that while I like the idea of Opera and Chrome, each has failed me now in a number of situations where we're not looking at an isolated glitch, but major performance problems. In particular, complex scripts can lock these guys up like a flash freeze, and Chrome has periodic catastrophic crashes:


This leaves me looking at Firefox and IE as the two real contenders. And while I've never wanted to be an IE fan, as only the unpopular kids on the schoolyard like IE, I think as an application, it's pretty stable. Its only real problem is security and if MS fixes that, I think it's going to be a great competitor for FF now that it's standards-based in the newest version.

Oh, I totally agree - the link was just to answer the "what doesn't IE10 support" question, which you didn't really ask ;)

Having said that, the site in question is aimed at developers and designers, most of whom [1] will be using something other than IE. So this isn't the worst example out there.

[1] Yes, of course, this is pure conjecture, and I don't have any figures to back that up. Doesn't stop it being true, though.

There are few techniques you could use that don't affect the visitor experience of your own.

- Detect referrer and return a script that has a warning

- Rotate your script filenames so those hotlinking will soon realise they will need to host it themselves

- Use a CDN yourself and don't encourage them to hotlink

- Slow down the request

For those hotlinking, consider:

- You can't trust the source of the code

- You can't trust that the code will always be there and it will load quickly

- You can't trust the contents of the code may change and break your application

If you want to be sinister to those hotlinking you could:

- Redirect the user (as others have noted)

- Display any message to the user

- Steal data from the user who is using the site hotlinking

- Inject your own adverts into the target web page

- Make the web page do the Harlem Shake

This isn't a finished blog post yet, so bare with me.

In http://jimkeener.com/posts/http I have two things which I think would be great additions to both HTTP and HTML.

The first are Content-Signature (signed with the TLS key perhaps)and Content-Hash (format: "hash-algo base64-hash-value") headers.

The second is allowing a hash and/or signature attributes on elements that have a src attribute. This would allow the UA to check if the file is already cached (across domains perhaps too, though I'm not sure how serious collision attacks would be) without having to check the server.

EDIT: I feel that these two features, in combo, would allow for a more secure method of using CDNs for things such as javascript libraries. They would also allow a better fallback method for loading local resources than what is used now.

    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.min.js"></script>
    if (!window.jQuery) {
        document.write('<script src="/path/to/your/jquery">   <\/script>');

Well it just so happens that the IETF is working on the http 2.0 spec now. See https://github.com/http2/http2-spec

Yes, that is what my response was in response to. In fact I believe I link to it (not the github version but on the ietf site).

However, I felt that some of the points I brought up in what I'd like to see were relevant to this discussion, even if the entire blog post isn't. This is why I highlight the points that are relevant in my comment.

Sorry, what I meant was that if you think these are important features, the README.md in that git repo describes the process to get them added.

I also feel that the entire spec for HTTP 2 is misguided, so I don't think most of my recommendations would be welcomed.

There's only one way to find out... ;-)

The hotlinked js in question is: http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/jquery.easing.1.3.js

That is a neat way to communicate ;)

Polymath sounds like a cool idea BTW, but probably difficult to monetize. Somebody must pay the tutors for producing/curating the content, but people have gotten so used to educational material being free...

Linking to the file from a popular HN thread will likely only worsen the bandwidth issues for the owner :-). Perhaps link to the Github version instead, which is here: https://github.com/gdsmith/jquery.easing

Ok there is a better way to handle this than adding some html to a page to make a banner, posting to HN, and hoping for the best.

Check for referal headers and throw a 301.

Compared to what could have happened this is actually pretty mild.

Everyone these days is so polite.

OK, that was a bit of an exaggeration. But back in my day the web had a whole site high-bandwidth site specifically for educating careless webmasters about the dangers of hotlinking: g o a t s e . c x.

It was used to great effect on things like auction sites where the original page html was not allowed to be changed after listing.

I'm not sure if politeness is the motivator. Imagine if you had done that, for all hotlinks to your script. Then, it turns out a children's website is hotlinking your script.

Some idiot at Company X decides that it's actually your fault, since its your script that did it. To save face, they get an expensive lawyer to sue you. Next thing you know, you're a registered sex offender.

Well that escalated quickly.

> To save face, they get an expensive lawyer to sue you. Next thing you know, you're a registered sex offender.

Please learn the difference between civil and criminal law.

Back in the 90's it wouldn't be unthinkable for someone to be criminally prosecuted for a goatse-ing a minor in Snookelatchee County, Kentucky.

Please learn the difference between hyperbole and literal statements.

That was exactly what I had in mind when I wrote that.

I once hotlinked an image posted on a forum, and they served the same link you provided.

I never did a hotlink again.

There was a post on reddit to a site that had hotlinked an image for it's background who suddenly found itself with a pornographic background.

The banner has even a close button, so it will not stay on top forever. It's extremely polite.

I had this exact same thing happen last week in one of my wordpress site, I had just inserted that script when developing to try it out and forgot to change it for a local file or a CDN afterwards.

As someone affected by this, I learned my lesson, but I was very happy about how the hotlinking was handled, I was a clear impossible to miss warning, with a clear and easy solution, I though it was only fair.

Well, I see it as a great reminder why one shouldn't trust scripts hosted elsewhere into one's site.

I use Google and I'm comfortable with that.

The nice part about using Google is first off it offers speed advantages (as most people will have Google's JQuery lib cached already), secondly I don't expect Google to get hacked, and lastly we have Google's permission to do exactly that.

So, do you think your visitors have a problem with Google knowing about every visit to your site?

It is specifically mentioned in our privacy policy. We also use Google Analytics, so that ship has sailed.

Nonsense. Users can very likely block Google Analytics on your site with ease, and without impacting the rest of your site's functionality. That's not necessarily the case when more critical content is served from Google's servers.

Regardless of what your privacy policy states, the responsible thing to do is to at least give your users the option of opting out of such tracking by third-parties, all while still leaving your site usable.

If Google's CDN is unavailable it falls back to a local copy we host. Inline with this example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5257923/how-to-load-local...

> the responsible thing to do is to at least give your users the option of opting out of such tracking by third-parties

Reddit do this. You can choose to load their js from their own servers rather than a CDN.

Indeed, it's the funniest public sevice announcement I have seen in a while.

But if you do that you have to configure your server for it, and your server still has to handle the request. The file is 2KB gzipped; Serving the file or a redirection is basically the same thing.

Maybe it would be better to reply with 403 instead?

Polymath might not be the only ones hotlinking... the alternative would be to track everyone who is hotlinking, get their email, and then notify them. Many will likely ignore this email.

I hope referrals will be disabled anytime soon. Firefox has AFAIK disable referrals to other domains by default.

In the case of Javascript hotlinking, that'll do approximately diddly squat though.

  if(/whatispolymath/.exec(location.href)) alert("...");

Or better yet, test if it's not your domain, then show a message.

That is a way better, IMO.

Or just send the owner an email: http://www.whois.com/whois/whatispolymath.com

So why should it be the responsibility of some guy who's bandwidth is getting stolen to be nice about notifying the guy who's stealing it - why didn't the site owner feel any obligation to send the .js hosting site owner an email asking if it was OK first?

Lots of services out there like browser-update.org tell you to load snippets of js over http from some random location they control. It's pretty unsafe unless you really know who's running the show over there and how secure their system is. Them being compromise could make every user site vulnerable.

There is of course the maintenance issue... what happens when their script is updated and breaks how you use it?

Usually, library scripts are versioned in their filename, so won't be updated after release.

A car dealer was hot linking to pictures of our cars from a sports car forum I belong to and using them to sell his same models on eBay.

We changed to pics of Male Enhancement devices and medication and shared with other car forums, we all watched for days and the guy was pretty clueless on what was going on and apparently didn’t check his ads as often as he should.

We even had a vote for what pic appears today poll.

Remember: The first rule of Changing hot linked photos club is to never talk about changing hot linked photos.

In the very early days of lolcats, I nearly got fired because an image macro I referenced in an email got replaced, several months later, with.... let's just say it was the sort of image that rivals goatse for disgusting.

Fortunately, my company's IT department had enough of a clue that when I explained what had happened, they agreed it was possible; it was a tense week, though, while they investigated.

I'm not saying the sort of reaction in parent isn't always appropriate, but just be aware that people's lives can be ruined to save a few dollars. I think the OP's solution is ideal: it alerts people to the problem in a very professional way, and provides solutions for the most common cases.

100% agree with you, always weight damage it may cause.

In the case I mentioned, this was a well known bad actor in the auto circles known for ripping first time buyers off with shady tactics and misrepresenting facts.

This has being going on for a few months with other sites:



a friend asked me some days ago: can u help me with a little problem? my old coder has no time to fix it.

the classic: "it worked yesterday..."

so i checked the code and all js,css files where used from a git repo from some other guy. who moved all files away in other directories.

was easy to fix, but i have no idea how stupid his coder is to use github urls from other people repos!!

whoops, not sure he wanted it here too.


Ha ha!

Actually, it's not a bug, pretty obvious he's "demonstrating a feature"... :)

Even more interesting is all the people who don't know why they're getting this error message: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22Please%20stop...

Yep, I thought that too. The vast majority of website owners have had external developers build their websites. Often those developers are long gone and the website owners left to their own devices (or CMS's). The site owners are now confused and think they have been hacked and don't know where to turn to.

There is actually a business proposition here. You could contact George Smith and ask him for a list of all HTTP referrers. Then contact each site in turn and ask them if they need any help.

Even if they have it sorted already, it might be a good intro into some of these small enterprises.

That page was like that for a while, since the author of that plugin has done that a few months ago:


I take this to be a proof-of-concept for ajax.googleapis.com in N years time.

"The archive web, sponsored by..."

Very very lucky. All they had to do was:

document.location = '...'

and route the page to a java drive-by which redirects back afterwards and most of their visitors would've been infected. They are incredibly lucky that the owner of that script was nice enough just to add a simple banner.

It's always blown me away how willing people are to install remote JavaScript on their sites, including top sites that you would expect to be more cautious. A lot of internet retailers include dozens of third party JavaScript files on their pages for analytics, social widgets, retargeting, etc. The way they handle the risk is by using constant monitoring by security auditing firms to check for changes in any of the files (presumably from different locations, browsers, user-agents, etc).

That's interesting way to warn users of the err in their ways. I recommend the CDN route for anyone who is standing up a web application for performance more than anything. With a CDN the page load time on my site went from 1.5 second to under .5 seconds. You also get the added benefit of someone not injection code into your website.

This site is full of bad practices.

* Never link to someone else's files (JS, images, etc).

* Don't use S3 as a CDN. It's not a CDN. Latency can be bad. Use CloudFront.

* Minify and combine CSS and JS.

* Put your JS at the end of the page.

I always thought this tip was common sense... Although my entry to the programming world wasn't through the normal means.

Also a good CDN alternative http://www.jsdelivr.com

13 hours from the time this was posted and it's still being hotlinked.

How is this even a thing we're discussing?

This just seems so obvious.

Good guy developer, goes above and beyond to help his users


if (window.location.origin !== "http://beta.whatispolymath.com/"){ window.location = "http://beta.whatispolymath.com/"; }

atleast that site is listed as beta. Check out this real estate site that is making millions of dollars selling condos and town homes.


just remove that file and force people to use CDN, do you really need to prove your abilities Mr. Einstein ?


They specifically ask people not to do that.

Also, linking to something as possibly unstable as a master branch seems odd at best.

You'd think, but jQuery had to remove code.jquery.com/latest.js because people were linking to it from production sites and complaining when things broke.

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