very good; change in policy will come if the big tech companies speak up and state that total snooping is bad for business.
If one is all for snooping then the sited argument is 'national security' - a very pressing concern.
If one is against snooping then the only argument one has are 'civil rights' - this is a matter of principles, meaning that is not of immediate concern; there is always something more urgent to override matters of principle.
If one states that snooping is bad for business then this again moves the argument against snooping into the realm of urgent issues.
If one is all for snooping then the sited argument is 'national security' - a very pressing concern. If one is against snooping then the only argument one has are 'civil rights' - this is a matter of principles, meaning that is not of immediate concern; there is always something more urgent to override matters of principle.
If one states that snooping is bad for business then this again moves the argument against snooping into the realm of urgent issues.