I admire your enthusiasm but just want to remind people that it is not a done deal. People across the country tried to come together to get a replacement for Lamar Smith[1] but he still won with 63% of all votes. Change is not easy.
[1]: Smith faced five challengers in the 2012 general election on November 6, 2012: Candace Duval (Dem), John-Henry Liberty (Lib), Fidel Castillo (Grn), Bill Stout (Grn), and Carlos Pena (Ind).[14] He won the race with 63% of the vote.
In Texas the Democrats are working with pretty heavily gerrymandered districts. It's not really a fair fight.
Also the challenge to Smith was obviously not well organized. You don't have to be Karl Rove to understand that flinging five candidates against Lamar Smith isn't a great tactic for anyone but Lamar Smith.
[1]: Smith faced five challengers in the 2012 general election on November 6, 2012: Candace Duval (Dem), John-Henry Liberty (Lib), Fidel Castillo (Grn), Bill Stout (Grn), and Carlos Pena (Ind).[14] He won the race with 63% of the vote.