> The permanent defense establishment is not the result of the Federal Reserve, it's the result of technology.
The permanent defense establishment is the result of Money, as is technology. The control of the issuing of currency and credit in the US is held in the hands of privately held banks. Those same banks also own the Federal Reserve and so in turn, own the US government and its spying apparatus.
Those same banks are also who all of us have to go to, be we an individual or a corporation, to get our loans. Defense contractors, farmers, students, families and the US government are all ultimately in debt to the same coterie of financial interests.
Justice Brandeis said in 1928:
"Instrumentalities like the national banks or the federal reserve banks, in which there are private interests, are not departments of the government. They are private corporations in which the government has an interest."
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
When we allowed private interests to take government, we become servants to the master. The NSA and other such outrages are just those private interests' way of keeping tabs on their inventory.
A small piece of anecdotal history re: George W.Bush's grandfather during WWI:
"In the spring of 1918, banker Bernard Baruch was asked to reorganize the War Industries Board as the U.S. prepared to enter World War I, and placed several prominent businessmen to key posts. Bush became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms, and Ammunition Section, with national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with munitions companies.
Bush served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (as well as of the Huntington National Bank of Columbus). In 1931, he was appointed to Herbert Hoover's President's Committee for Unemployment Relief, chaired by Walter S. Gifford, then-President of AT&T. He was once recommended to serve on the board of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, but Hoover did not feel he was sufficiently known nationally."
When we allow private interests to take the reins of government at our expense, and allow it for generations, we end up with things like the Bush family.
The permanent defense establishment is the result of Money, as is technology. The control of the issuing of currency and credit in the US is held in the hands of privately held banks. Those same banks also own the Federal Reserve and so in turn, own the US government and its spying apparatus.
Those same banks are also who all of us have to go to, be we an individual or a corporation, to get our loans. Defense contractors, farmers, students, families and the US government are all ultimately in debt to the same coterie of financial interests.
Justice Brandeis said in 1928:
"Instrumentalities like the national banks or the federal reserve banks, in which there are private interests, are not departments of the government. They are private corporations in which the government has an interest."
> http://openjurist.org/275/us/415
As you brought up Washington, he also said:
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
When we allowed private interests to take government, we become servants to the master. The NSA and other such outrages are just those private interests' way of keeping tabs on their inventory.
A small piece of anecdotal history re: George W.Bush's grandfather during WWI:
"In the spring of 1918, banker Bernard Baruch was asked to reorganize the War Industries Board as the U.S. prepared to enter World War I, and placed several prominent businessmen to key posts. Bush became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms, and Ammunition Section, with national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with munitions companies.
Bush served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (as well as of the Huntington National Bank of Columbus). In 1931, he was appointed to Herbert Hoover's President's Committee for Unemployment Relief, chaired by Walter S. Gifford, then-President of AT&T. He was once recommended to serve on the board of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, but Hoover did not feel he was sufficiently known nationally."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_P._Bush#Political_promin...
When we allow private interests to take the reins of government at our expense, and allow it for generations, we end up with things like the Bush family.