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Last I checed a few years ago seting up a radio station to play songs over the radio costs 7c per user per song. So ~ 8 * 60 / 5 * 7 * 30 / 100 = 201$ / month for 8 hours a day.

However, change that to 0.7c per song and it's reasonable.

But, that's just a point of negotiation nobody actually pays that much. So finding the actual costs is rather hard.

Isn't this the cost per song played? If you have 1000 listeners the cost per user per song is 0.007c.

But if you go and try the "request" approach, then you have 1000 users requesting god knows how many songs. The trick is to manage to pay about as much as before (0.007c), but let each user choose what to listen instead of broadcasting the same song. Problem is, if two users want the same song, but 10 seconds one after the other, will you pay 7 cents or 14?

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