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The narrative in the UK is that some recent official reports, following some specific nasty crimes, established that the offenders used 'extreme pornography', and went from mild criminal records to quite extreme acts.

I'm not going to support or detract from those conclusions, there is an argument to have there in both directions.

But at core, that's the reasoning that is being used to push anti porn laws here much stronger than say a year ago.

The opt-out blocking, which is related, is apparently to an extent driven by mumsnet, the Anonymous of the middle aged.

Personally, I see the whole thing as a way of getting the UK's favorite defense contractor's IP filtering/logging equipment into local telephone exchanges. The story is [see el reg] - UK.gov wanted centralized logging/filtering, but that wouldn't get through parliament, so instead they are putting laws in place to make ISPs fit them. The ISPs are getting paid to do this, but need to be made to for the sake of public relations. But making it about porn rather than enacting EU mandated data retention, and putting government specced DPI equipment in every exchange is much more palatable. But I'm reading a lot between the lines here.

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