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> A criminal offence. Stop making up thought crimes, you authoritarian zealots!

So there is no difference between a murder and a manslaughter in your eyes?

What? He said that viewing a picture of a crime doesn't make you complicit. Viewing a picture of a murder doesn't make you a murderer, no.

The difference between murder and manslaughter is primarily intent. I'm asking if the contents of the offenders mind mean nothing to him, what is the difference between murder and manslaughter? If you kill someone by accident when you were negligent is that the same as actively plotting and killing that person intentionally?

As far as I can tell, the "A criminal offence. Stop making up thought crimes, you authoritarian zealots!" comment didn't mean "don't include intent, that would be thoughtcrime" it meant "don't make viewing/possessing pictures illegal, because you can't do so without either making thoughtcrime or making every /b/ (or imgur roulette, omegle, etc) user a felon"

I appreciate that. My issue is with the term 'thought crime' as indeed the thoughts in your mind can determine whether or not you are charged with a crime at all. I don't see a problem with that and only the narrower definition of 'acts purely comprised of thought unconnected to physical actions' really holds up.

It's pretty clear to me that by "thought crime" he means "thinking about a crime without actually committing it (or even intending to)". Viewing a rape video doesn't mean you will rape, or even that you want to rape someone.

The issue isn't whether it matters with what the intent the act was commited, but whether the contents of a persons mind matters when he is doing no crime at all. The obvious answer is pretty simple: not at all.

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